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Revision as of 00:01, 14 May 2021

Friendship is Magic • Equestria Girls • Sombraverse
Maud Pie
Friendship is Magic character
Biographical information
SpeciesPony  • Earth Pony
EducationEquestrian Institute of Rockology
FamilyPie family
AffiliationEquestrian Geological and Gemological Society
Real world
VoiceIngrid Nilson
"Pinkie Pride"
"The Last Problem"

"I didn't get a rocktorate because I can shred on guitar like nopony else. Another reason I like rocks – they don't exclude you if you're... different than other ponies"
— Maud Pie[source]

Maud Pie was the eldest daughter in the Pie family and the child of Igneous Rock and Cloudy Quartz, the sister of Pinkie Pie, Marble Pie and Limestone Pie, aunt of Little Cheese, sister-in-law of Cheese Sandwich, owner of Boulder, girlfriend of Mudbriar and good friend to Starlight Glimmer. Professionally, she worked as a geologist, but in her spare-time, she was a stand-up comedian, a trivia taker and apparently a skilled guitarist.


Early life

Maud was born in Rockville, Equestria to Cloudy Quartz and Igneous Rock. Like most of her sisters, Maud grew up with a fascination and empathetic connection with rocks, though it manifested differently. Unlike her sister, Limestone, Maud wasn't controlling of rocks, rather she was motherly and kind, arguably showing rocks more love than her family as she was more open with them than she was with anyone else.

At some point, Maud developed a rivalry with Buried Treasure, who apparently stole all of Maud's accomplishments and achievements.[1]

Crystal Caves

It was an emotional adventure

At the E.G.G.S. conference, Maud met Rarity and the two briefly talked about how she was getting her "rocktorate" in Rock Science, a prospect Maud deemed "absolutely thrilling". Later, the two went to hear a conference from Professor Strata about a Crystal Mountains Cave System which she was to busy to explore herself. Rarity urged Maud to explore the caves and later pushed her to the stage where she talked about the event with Professor Strata. Though Maud appeared calm and collected, on the inside she was horribly nervous about talking to her idol.

However, the two are interrupted by Maud's nemesis, Buried Treasure who vowed to find the treasure before Maud. Together, Maud and Rarity booked a flight on the Resplendent Duchess, but Buried Treasure and her goons took it before them. Instead, they tried to get the help of a pilot. Maud tried to get him to help them, but her attitude didn't convince him to lend them a hoof, so Rarity charmed him instead. Though Maud acted indifferent to this, she was deeply impressed by Rarity's efforts.

The pilot only took them to Cantertine, a small town near the Crystal Mountains. The two hitched a ride with a local stallion and later the two began to climb up the mountain. As typical, Maud seemed completely indifferent to the danger that surrounded her and the efforts Rarity went through to protect the two. Nonetheless, Rarity knew how important this adventure was to Maud and Maud herself wrote in her diary how much it meant to her Rarity cared that much about her.

After they annoyed a local Miner, the two ran into the Crystal Mountains Mines where they found Buried Treasure and her goods. With a torch in nuzzle, she burnt down the bridge, trapping the two. Though Rarity broke down believing she failed Maud, Maud herself found an entrance way to the Lava Tunnels and broke it down with her hooves, while having Rarity read from her diary, letting her know how much she cared. Maud told her that she still felt emotions like any other pony, but she just didn't express them outside of writing. Around this time, a bat flies and begins to rest itself on Maud's head.

The two ventured down the tunnels and found themselves in the jewel-encrusted location Strata told them of. After Treasure found the cave after them, Rarity and Maud told her off that they were more passionate about the expedition, causing Treasure to quit the archaeology business and go to Law School instead.

Rarity hugged Maud and left her to do her thing in peace. After being alone, Maud smiled at the rocks and asked who wanted to talk first.[1]

New beginning

Team Rarity


Personal life

Behind the scenes



 V - E - H - DFriendship is Magic characters
Primary Mane Six (Twilight Sparkle • Rarity • Applejack • Pinkie Pie • Fluttershy • Rainbow Dash) • Cutie Mark Crusaders (Apple Bloom • Sweetie Belle • Scootaloo) • Royal Family (Princess Celestia • Princess Celestia) • Spike • Starlight Glimmer • Trixie Lulamoon
Relatives Sparkle family (Twilight Velvet • Night Light) • Belle family (Cookie Crumbles • Hondo Flanks) • Apple family (Big McIntosh • Granny Smith • Babs Seed • Braeburn) Pie family (Maud Pie • Limestone Pie • Marble Pie • Igneous Rock Pie • Cloudy Quartz) • Shy family (Zephyr Breeze • Mrs. Shy • Mr. Shy) • Dash family (Windy Whistles • Bow Hothoof) • Glimmer family • Scootaloo's family
Other groups Buffalo Tribe (Chief Thunderhooves • Little Strongheart) • Cake family (Mr. Cake • Mrs. Cake • Pumpkin Cake • Pound Cake) • Flower Trio (Daisy • Lily Valley • Rose) • Founders of Equestria • Paparazzi • Photo Finish's entourage • Pillars of Equestria • Prism Wing • Wonderbolts • Young Six
Secondary A.K. Yearling/Daring Do • Bon Bon • Boyle • Bulk Biceps • Capper • Captain Celaeno • Cheerilee • Cheese Sandwich • Cherry Jubilee • Coco Pommel • Coloratura • Cranky Doodle Donkey • Derpy • Diamond Tiara • Discord • Fancy Pants • Filthy Rich • Gilda • Grubber • Haven Bay • Hoity Toity • Lucky Clover • Lyra Heartstrings • Manny Roar • Mayor Mare • Meadow Flower • Minuette • Octavia Melody • Orange family (Aunt Orange • Mosely Orange) • Photo Finish • Pipsqueak • Princess Skystar • Queen Novo • Raven Inkwell • Nurse Redheart • Roseluck • Salina Blue • Sapphire Shores • Sassy Saddles • Silver Spoon • Snips • Snails • Songbird Serenade • Steven Magnet • Sunburst • Tempest Shadow • Thorax • Twinkleshine • Twist • Vinyl Scratch • Zecora
Tertiary Ace Point • Amethyst Star • Apple Bumpkin • Apple Cinnamon • Apple Cobbler • Apple Flora • Apple Fritter • Apple Honey • Apple Munchies • Apple Split • Apple Strudle • B. Sharp • Barber Groomsby • Beaude Mane • Berry Preppy • Berryshine • Big Wig • Blossomforth • Blue Buck • Blueberry Curls • Bright Smile • Business Savvy • Candy Apples • Candy Caramel Tooth • Caramel Apple • Chance-a-Lot • Cherry Berry • Cherry Fizzy • Cloud Chaser • Cloud Kicker • Coco Crusoe • Comet Tail • Concerto • Count Caesar • Crystal Beau • Dane Tee Dove • Diamond Cutter • Diamond Mint • Don Neigh • Elbow Grease • Electric Sky • Fiddly Twang • Fleur de Verre • Florina Tart • Flower Wishes • Fluffy Clouds • Glamour Gleam • Golden Delicious • Golden Glitter • Golden Harvest • Goldengrape • Green Jewel • Helia • Holly Dash • Honey Ranes • Ivory Rook • Janine Manewitz • Joan Pommelway • Jonagold • Junebug • Lady Justice • Lavender Fritter • Lemon Hearts • Levon Song • Lilac Luster • Long Shot • Lotus Blossom • Luckette • Lyrica • Magnet Bolt • Mane Moon • Manely Gold • Mare E Belle • Mare E Lynn • Meadow Song • Mercury • Merry May • Midnight Fun • Mosely Orange • Neigh Sayer • Neon Lights • Noteworthy • Nurse Snowheart • Orange Swirl • Peachy Sweet • Pegasus Olsen • Perfect Pie • Picture Frame • Powder Rouge • Press Release • Pretty Vision • Prim Hemline • Prism Glider • Purple Wave • Pursey Pink • Rainbow Swoop • Rainbowshine • Red Gala • Roger Silvermane • Rook Ramparts • Roxie Rave • Royal Pin • Royal Ribbon • Royal Riff • Ruby Splash • Sapphire joy • Sassaflash • Sea Swirl • Shoeshine • Silver Berry • Snappy Scoop • Soigne Folio • Sprinkle Medley • Starry Eyes • Stella Lashes • Strawberry Sunrise • Sunny Rays • Sunshine Petals • Sunshower Raindrops • Svengallop • Swanky Hank • Symphony • Tall Order • Time Turner • Tropical Storm • Twilight Sky • Upper East Stride • Vidale Swoon • Wensley
Villains Legion of Doom ("Grogar" • Queen Chrysalis • Tirek • Cozy Glow) Garble • Flim and Flam • Iron Will • King Sombra • Lightning Dust • Storm King • Curs (Rover • Fido • Spot)
Creatures Angel Bunny • Baast • Capper • Cerberus • Chummer • Elizabeak • Fluffy • Hummingway • Josephine • Lemon Squeezy • Miss Kitty • Opalescence • Orthros • Owlowiscious • Pee Wee • Pee Wee's parents • Philomena • Reginald • Ripley • Sandra • Scout • Tank • Tiberius • Winona
 V - E - H - DFriendship is Magic Earth Ponies
Mares and fillies A-E Action Shot • Aloe • Amaranthine • Ambrosia • Amethyst Gleam • Amira • Apple Bottom • Apple Brown Betty • Apple Bumpkin • Apple Cherry • Apple Cider • Apple Cobbler • Apple Dumpling • Apple Fritter • Apple Honey • Apple Leaves • Apple Munchies • Apple Top • Applejack • Apricot Bow • Aunt Orange • Avalon • Azure Velour • Barbara Banter • Beauty Brass • Bell Perin • Bella Brella • Belle Star • Berry Dreams • Berry Frost • Berry Icicle • Berry Preppy • Berryshine • Betsey Trotson • Betty Hoof • Biddy Broomtail • Big Wig • Bittla Blues • Blue Bonnet • Blue Bows • Blue Cutie • Blue Nile • Blue Ribbon • Blueberry Curls • Bonnie Bottlecap • Britneigh Spears • Bulk Shipment • Buried Treasure • Burning Passion • Butter Pop • Butternut • Buzzsaw McColt • Candy Apples • Candy Curls • Candy Mane • Candy Twirl • Caramel Apple • Carcoal Bakes • Carlotta • Cascada • Cathy O'Mara • "Cat Paw" • Celena • Charged Up • Charity Kindheart • Cheerilee • Cherry Berry • Cherry Jubilee • Cherry Punch • Chic Flower • Chilly Puddle • Chimney Dust • Chock-full Carafe • Cinnamon Pear • Clarity Cut • Cleo Saraj • Cleopatra Jazz • Cloud Quartz • Cobalt Shade • Coco Pommel • Coloratura • Coral Shine • Cornflower • Crescendo • Crimson Skate • Crosscut McColt • Cultivar • Daisy • Dane Tee Dove • Deputy Copper • Doctor Pinkheart • Doseydotes • Dosie Drough • Dr. Fauna • Dry Wheat • Eclair Crème • Elphaba Trot • Ever Essence
F-L Fiddly Twang • Flashdancer • Floral Pan • Florina Tart • Flounder • Flurry • Forest Spirit • Frazzle Rock • Frou Frou • Gala Appleby • Glitter Spritz • Golden Harvest • Gorgeous Glamour • Grape Deligh • Green Jewel • Greenhoof Hooffield • Hacksaw McColt • Hazel Harvest • Hilly Hooffield • Hinny of the Hills • Hoda Kotb • Aunt Holiday • Honey Dew • Hoofer Steps • Janine Manewitz • Jasmine Leaf • Jinx • Joan Pommelway • Jonagold • Jubileena • Junebug • Kathie Lee Gifford • Lady Beetle • Lady Gaval • Lavender August • Lavender Bloom • Lavender Blush • Lavender Fritter • Lavenderhoof • Lemon Chiffon • Light Hoof • Lilac Blossom • Lilac Links • Lily Valley • Limestone Pie • Linked Hearts • Little Po • Long Shot • Lotus Blossom • Luckette • Lucky Star • Lyrica Lilac
M-S Magdalena • Mage Meadowbrook • Mane-Iac • Manely Gold • Mango Juice • Marble Pie • March Gustysnows • Mare Do Well • Mare E. Belle • Mare E. Lynn • Maribelle • Maroon Carrot • Masquerade • Masseuse Pony Quake • Maud Pie • Maybelline • Mayor Mare • Meadowluck • Midnight Fun • Millie • Mint Swirl • Minty Mocha • Mixed Berry • Mjölna • Morning Glory • Mrs Trotsworth • Cup Cake • Mrs. Paleo • Ms. Harshwhinny • Ms. Peacebuttom • Nurse Redheart • Nurse Snowheart • Nurse Sweetheart • Nurse Tenderheart • Oakey Doke • Obscurity • Ocean Dream • Ocean Spray • Octavia Melody • Offbeat • Orange Sherbet • Orange Slice • Pacific Glow • Paisley Pastel • Pampered Pearl • Peach Melba • Peachy Cream • Peachy Plume • Peachy Sweet • Pear Butter • Pearmain Worecester • Pegasus Olsen • Penny Ante • Perfect Pie • Perfume Hearts • Photo Finish • Picture Frame • Pinkie Pie • Pitch Perfect • Play Write • Posey Petals • Powder Rouge • Pretty Vision • Prim Hemline • Professor Fossil • Purple Haze • Purple Wave • Pursey Pink • Raspberry Berrt • Raspberry Glaze • Raspberry Vinaigrette • Raven Inkwell • Red Gaa • Reflective Rock • Regal Candent • Rogue Ruby • Roma • Rose • Rosemary • Rosetta • Rosy Riveter • Roxie Rave • Ruby Splash • Salt Water • Sapphire Shores • Savannah Guthrie • Screwball • Screwy • Seasong • Serena • Sew 'n Sow • Shimmy Shake • Shoeshine • Silver Berry • Silver Frames • Silver Spoon • Sky View • Snappy Scoop • Soft Spot • Soigne Folio • Soot Stain • Spaceage Sparkle • Spoiled Rich • Spring Forward • Spring Green • Spring Harvest • Spring Water • Starberry Ice • Stardom • Stella Lashers • Sun Cross • Sun Polomare • Sundowner • Sunfire • Sunny Smiles • Sunset Bliss • Sunstreak • Surf • Sweetberry • Sweetie Drops • Swirly Cotton • Swoon Song • Symphony Song
T-Z Tangerine Tassels • Teddie Safari • The Headless Mare • Toffee • Torch Song • Tote Bag • Tough Love • Trapeze Star • Tree H. Hooffield • Tree Hugger • Tree Snap • Tropical Spring • Trowel Hooffield • Turf • Twinkleworks • Vanilla Sweets • Vidala Swoon • Viola • Welly • Wildwood Flower • Winter Withers • Winter otus • Wrangler • Ye Oat Boat Waitress • Yuma Spurs
Stallions and colts A-E Ace Point • Ace of Hearts • Adante • Affero • Al • Al Roker • Ancient Artifact • Andy Warhoof • Antonio • Apple Bread • Apple Cinnamon • Apple Core • Apple Crisp • Apple Slice • Apple Split • Apple Strudel • Aqua Vine • Arty • Autumn Leaf • B. Sharp • B.J. Hunnicutt • Back Stage • Barber Groomsby • Baritone • BeauDe Mane • Beon Brush • Beuford • Biff • Big Bucks • Big Daddy McColt • Big McIntosh • Big McIntosh • Big Stallion • Big Top • Bilar • Bill Neigh • Binoculars • Black Stone • Blazing Saddle • Blofeld • Blow Dry • Bomb • Bow and Arrow • Braeburn • Brian Ward • Bright Mac • Brindle Young • Broken Window • Buck Withers • Buffalo Bull • Bulk Biceps • Burdock Hooffield • Buried Lede • Burlap • Burnt Oak • Bushel • Business Savvy • Can O'Beans • Hoofbeard • Caramel • Carboose • Carrot Cake • Cattail • Chargrill Breadwinner • Charles Manson • Charlie Coat • Chase Palomino • Cheese Curls • Cheese Sandwich • Cherry Fizzy • Cherry Gold • Cherry Strudel • Chico Marx • Chief Stablemaker • Chocolate Haze • Circus Ringleader • Clapperboard • Classy Clover • Clean Sweet • Clyde Giddyap • Cobalt • Code Rede • Coffee Cup • Comb Over • Comet Tail • Commissioner Gordon • Conductor • Cormano • Cosmic • Count Caesar • Cowpony • Cracked Wheat • Crafty Crate • Cratus • Creme Brulee • Crest Crown • Crusoe Palm • Cupcake • Dance Fever • Davenport • Diamond Cutter • Diamond Salespony • Digger • Dirtbound • Doctor • Don Neigh • Double Diamond • Dr. Caballeron • Dr. Hooves • Dr. Hooves (Reflections) • Dr. Hooves' ancestor • Dr. Horse • Dr. Philly • Drake Mallard • Duce Switchell • Duke Silversaddle • Earl Hickey • Earth pony barber • Eiffel • Elwood • Emerald Beacon • Emerald Green • Eren Yeager • Erik • Evening Star
F-L Fahal Alkhayl • Fancy Shmancy • Feather Bangs • Felix • Filthy Rich • Fine Print • Flags • Flank Thrasher • Flax Seed • Floyd Tunson • Football • Frederick Horseshoepin • Free Throw • Full Steam • Funnel Web • Fuzzy Slippers • Gabby Johnsone • Georg Festrunk • George Horrsen • Giggle Fit • Ginger Beard • Ginger Locks • Gingerbread • Gizmo • Globe Trotter • Golden Delicious • Goldengrape • Goldmane • Grape Crush • Gravedigger Hooffield • Groucho Marx • Grub Hooffield • Haakim • Half Baked Apple • Hammerhead McColt • Happy Trails • Hard Hat • Harpo Marx • Harry Trotter • Hawkeye Pierce • Hay Fever • Hayseen Turnip Truck • Haysier Crane • Hercules • Hermes • Hill Song • Hoity Toity • Hoof Beatz • Horseshoe Comet • Hughbert Jellius • Icy Drop • Igneous Rock Pie • Indiana Jones • Indiana Pones • Inky Quills • Jack Skellington • Jake • James Silvani • James T. Kirk • Jargon • Jason Westlake • Jeff Letrotski • Jeff Trotsworthy • Jesús Pezuña • Jim Beam • Joe Pescolt • John Blutarsky • John Bull • Johnny Fever • Jonagold brother (1) • Jonagold brother (2) • Josehoof Teller • Karat • Kazooie • Klein • Kyrippos II • Landru Lawgiver • Lasso • Late Show • Laurel Wreath • Leadnail McColt • Leadwing • Leg of Ham • Levi Ackerman • Levon Song • Liam T. Walrus • Limelight • Lincoln • Lockdown • Locknut McColt • Loki • Lorne • Lucy Clover • Luggage Cart • Lugnut
M-S Magnum P.I. • MandoPony • Match Game • Matt Lauer • Matthew Bennel • Mayor Baltimare • Mayor Cream Cheese • McCree • Meadow Song • Melilot • Microphone • Modus Ponens • Mola Ram • Monkey D. Luffy • Moon Dust • Morton Saltworthy • Mr. Breezy • Mr. Paleo • Mr. Spock • Mr. Stripes • Mr. Zippy • Mudbriar • Mules Grassfield • Navin R. Johnston • Neigh Sayer • Neighl Page • Neptunio • Newspaper Reporter • Night Watch • Noteworthy • Oak Nut • On Stage • Oregon Trail • PNN Reporter • Palette • Palm Tree • Papa Beard • Parcel Post • Parish Nandermane • Paul McCartneigh • Paul Morrissey • Pennywise • Perfect Pace • Persnickety • Peter Bishop • Philip J. Fry • Phony Pharaoh • Pickaxe • Pickpocket • Picture Pattern • Pie and Grapes • Piles McColt • Pine Breeze • Pine Tree • Pine Tree • Pink Drink • Plumb Bob • Pokerhooves • Pokey Oaks • Pony Fleecs • Ponyacci • Ponybert • Prairie Tune • Praiser Pan • Prance Jillete • Prancet Pega • Pratfall • Pronto • Quarter Hearts • Quibble Pants • Quick Trim • Raggedy Doctor • Ragtime • Rambler • Real Article • Red Delicious • Red Grapes • Rivet • Robin Hood • Rockhoof • Rodger Doger • Roger Silvermane • Rogue • Rough Tumble • Royal Riff • Rusty Bucket • Saddledor Dali • Sam • Sandbar • Sanji • Savoir Fare • Scrol • Scuffy Scuffington • Sealed Scroll • Seedsman Hooffield • September • Shamrock • Sheriff Silverstar • Sheriff Tumbleweed • Shiny Bear • Shooting Star • Shortround • Silver Shill • Sir Pony Moore • Six • Slash • Slate Stone • Slendermane • Smokestack • Sneaker • Sneaky Pete • Snow Hope • Sourpuss • Sprig Hooffield • Sqeaky Clean • Star Gazer • Star Spur • Star Tracker • Star • Starstreak • Steamer • Steel Bolts • Steel Buns • Steel Wright • Stinkin' Rich • Stinky Bottom • Strawberry Cream • Street Rat • Sunny Song • Svengallop • Swanky Hank • Sweeney Todd
T-Z Tadwell • Tall Order • Tall Tale • Tarzan • Tatterdemalion Hooffield • Tempeh • Temple Chant • The Stranger • The Unconditioner • Theodore Donald "Donny" Kerabatsos • Toe-Tapper • Tofu • Tom Baker • Trade Craft • Trendy Coiffure • Trouble Shoes • Turner McColt • Twilight Sky • Twisty Pop • Two Ton • Uncle Orange • Uncle Wing • Upper East Stride • Upton Clover • Vegemite • Vellum Codex • Venus Flytrap • Vermilion Spring • Wacky Hair Day and Spray • Waldo • Walter • Walter Bishop • Walternate • Waxton • Welch • Wensley • Wetzel • White Marble • Winged Heart • Wisp • Withers • Wolfgang Canter • Wylin Slobinzki • Yoke • Yortuk Festrunk • Zathram the Immobilizer • Zoro • Pigpen
Culture History Earth Pony Tribe • Long Winter
Realms High Desert • Puerto Caballo • Fillydelphia • Salt Lick City • Mareidian
Organizations Mighty Helm
Earth Ponies • Unicorns • Pegasus • Alicorns • Thracians • Crystal Ponies • Bat Ponies • Umbrum • Kirin • Island Ponies • Space Ponies • Future Ponies
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