Amaranth Gray

From Equestripedia, the Archives of Equestria!
I suppose I can't keep calling you "Dragon," can I? You need a real name.
This character either has no official name, or numerous "semi-official" names. See here for details
Amaranth Gray
Equestria Girls character
Biographical information
EducationCrystal Prep Academy
Real world
Equestria Girls: Friendship Games

Amaranth Gray was a student at Crystal Prep Academy.


At least by the standards of his fellow students, Amaranth had a cheery disposition, usually shown cheering on others or otherwise being in a good mood. He was among the many students who attended the Friendship Games events, but was not apart of the Shadowbolts[1] Later, he got a drink at the Juicebar and was impressed by Applejack's skills.[2]

Behind the scenes

Amaranth Gray has no known spoken lines and has so far only appeared as one of the many unnamed students who attend Crystal Prep Academy. e first appeared in Equestria Girls: Friendship Games.


Amaranth Gray is a fan-accepted name as voted on /r/nametheponies. No known production name or otherwise currently exists.




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