
From Equestripedia, the Archives of Equestria!
Friendship is Magic character
Overview information
LocationPegasus Kingdom-Griffonstone Border
Historical information
Flash Magnus and the Royal Legion

Beakwick was a small town located on the border between the Pegasus Kingdom and ancient Griffonstone during the Age of Heroes.


The town was nearly destroyed by the genuine super storm, a disaster brought about by an accident involving the Weather Factory. Local Griffon organization, the Royal Griffon Defense Force, thought the storm was an act of warfare or terroism by the Pegasi and so the squad, lead by Blackbeak attempted to stop the storm themselves but were soon overwhelmed. It took the might of the Royal Legion to finally quell the storm. In the aftermath, both kingdoms grew closer as a result.


 V - E - H - DGriffons
Females Gabby • Galena • Gertie • Gigi • Gilda • Gilda's daughter • Gimmie Moore • Giselle • Glenda • Gracie • Greta (Boffyball player) • Gretchen • Griselda • Hilda • "Rockin' Griffon Friendship Student" • "Rookie Griffon Racer" • "Sporty Griffon Racer" • Vermouth Roux
Males Blackbeak • Firegem • Franz • Gallus • Garner • Gaston • Gavin • Gerard • Gestal • Goldstone • Gregor • Grover • Grampa Gruff • Gunter • Gustave le Grand • Guto • Klaus • Li'l Griffon • "Prideful Griffon Racer" • Rinehart • "Tiny Griffon Friendship Student"
Unspecified Elke
Places Settlements and realms Griffonstone • Griffonstone Proper • Beakwick • Eastern Equestrian Kingdom
Notable structures Griffonstone castle • Griffonstone Train Station • Gateway of Griffonstone
Notable geography Abysmal Abyss • Griffonstone Mountain Trail • Guto River • Hyperborean Mountains • North Wind
Culture Zephyr War • King of Griffonstone • Griffon Scones • Griffonade • Boffyball • Blue Moon Festival
 V - E - H - DSettlements
Pony Addis Abpga • Agarica • Alexandraya • Anugypt • Applewood • Baltimare • Big Thunder Mine • Cadance's village • Canter Creek • Canterbury • Canterlot • Cantertine • Chicoltgo • Cloudsdale • Dazzle Island • Diamondia • Doc Town • Dodge Junction • Fillydelphia • Fizzlepop's village • Ghost Town • Grayvale • High Desert • Hollow Shades • Hope Hollow • Horsealulu • Horseshoe Bay • Kandor • Las Pegasus • Luna Bay • Manehattan • Monacolt • New Horseleans • Olive • Ponderosa • Ponyville • Ponyville-cho • Puerto Caballo • Rainbow Falls • Rockridge • Salem • Salt Lick City • San Flanksisco • Seaddle • Silver Shores • Squire's kingdom • Stygian's village • Tenochtitlan • This village • Timbucktu • Trotland • Trottingham • Turley • Vanhoover • Whinniesburg • Whinnyapolis
Human Agra • Alumni Town • Beach town • Canterlot • Coal Town • Giza • Los Angeles • Paris • Pisa • Roman Empire • Saline • San Diego • Shiny City • Stockton • Tokyo • Versailles
Hippogriff Beakwick • Buckbeak • Doré • Harmonizing Heights • Hippogriff Village • Mount Aris beach • Seaquestria
Cat Anugypt • Catskills • Henry • Panthera • Tabbytown
Diamond Dog Diamond mines • Diamondia • Never Look Back, Walk Tall, Act Fine • Ziggy Stardust
Griffon Beakwick • Griffonstone Proper
Deer Reindeer village • Thicket
Mouse Muensterville • Mouse village
Dragon Dragon Town
 V - E - H - DFriendship is Magic places
Countries Abyssinia • Dragon Lands • Equestria • Griffonstone • Mount Aris • Saddle Arabia • more
Settlements Appleloosa • Canterlot • Cloudsdale • Dodge Junction • Fillydelphia • Manehattan • Our Town • Ponyville • Seaward Shoals • more
Establishments Carousel Boutique • Golden Oak Library • Ponyville Schoolhouse • Rainbow Factory • School of Friendship • Sugarcube Corner • more
Landmarks Canterlot Castle • Castle of Friendship • Castle of Two Sisters • Changeling Hive • Crystal Castle • Grogar's lair • more
Landforms Canterlot Mountain • Celestial Sea • Everfree Forest • Frozen North • Greater Equestria • Mount Aris • more
Cosmology Planets • Stars • Universes • Other
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