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Friendship is Magic • Equestria Girls • Other incarnations

"I am writing this here rather than in my journal in hopes that it may find its way back to them some day. Or perhaps to two such sisters or leaders in need. For in a leader, there is no greater quality than compassion. Order can be obtained through strength and fear. But harmony? Harmony can only be maintained when we strive to be compassionate. Only when we strive to understand one another, can we all become greater."
— Starswirl the Bearded on Princess Celestia[source]

Princess Celestia
Friendship is Magic character
Biographical information
SpeciesPony  • Alicorn
ResidenceCanterlot Castle, Canterlot
FamilyRoyal Family
Real world
"Friendship is Magic"

Princess Celestia, also known as The Destroyer[1] is an alicorn who serves as one of the three Princesses of Equestria, ruling with her younger sister, Princess Luna and student, Twilight Sparkle. She was raised, or at least partly raised, by Starswirl the Bearded over 1,000 years before the events of that transpired on The Fateful Day. Admired and feared, Celestia has, for better or worse made her rulership throughout Equestria revered and respected.

Although Celestia is a kind and just ruler, many of her subjects seem to fail to grasp that. Many of her subjects fear her and her punishments, believing she would banish them to the moon or to a dungeon for crossing her, though most of her citizens love and admire her. Still, a great deal of her subjects fear to disapoint her and act overly formal and timid in her presence.

Princess Celestia is often regarded as a mythical figure by her subjects[2] and has been depicted in various myths and legends throughout history. Many mythological books have been written on Celeestia and her history, dating as far back as the Era of Starswirl the Bearded.[3] As an action of distress, sometimes her subjects blurt out phrases like "Oh Celestia!" or "Sweet Celestia", implying they view her like a goddess of sorts.


Age of Heroes

Teenage years

Princess Celestia was known for being a pompous teenager

Princess Celestia's childhood is mostly unknown. At some prior to meeting Starswirl the Bearded, Celestia was born and at some point later, she had a little sister named Princess Luna. In her youth, Princess Celestia was a bratty, spoiled and mean girl who tormented her sister, Luna.[3][4] However, she had a gift that no one else had, the ability to move the sun without exerting all of her magic. Because of this mysterious power, Celestia was given the protection of Starswirl the Bearded, who served as a mentor, guardian and father figure to her and her sister, Luna.

Tried as he did, Starswirl could never instill common sense or royal decency in the two princesses and often scolded them for messing up or acting "moody".[4]

Early days of rule

Starswirl the Bearded: "It is not your job to monitor or comment on your sister's progress. I am the instructor here."
Princess Celestia: "Well, that must be frustrating for you."
―Starswirl and Celestia butting heads[source]

Celestia's early reign was not a pleasant one. Her arrogant, downright cruel at times personality made her interactions with Luna often times hostile. Celestia had a bad tendency to put Luna down, making her feel worthless and weak. Starswirl's sometimes cold style of teaching and mentoring only made Luna feel even worse. One such incident was when Celestia trapped Luna in a bubble spell. While this is what Starswirl instructed Celestia to do, she took it to far by making the bubble float away instead of staying in place. After a scolding, Celestia eventually popped the bubble but made no attempt to help Luna, instead letting her fall to the ground. Starswirl attempted to knock some sense into her with a good scolding, but Celestia refused to listen and went to trap flowers and birds with the bubble spell.[3]

Celestia's arrogance and condescending behavior pushed Luna to her limits. As defiance, Luna fled fro her room and began to study the bubble spells. Instead, she destroyed a bush in the process.[3]

Princess Celestia: "Hey, I want you to get better. If you figure out this kid stuff, maybe we can get to some real magic."
Princess Luna: "You think you're so great."
Princess Celestia: "I didn't say I was so great, just a lot bette than you"
'Princess Luna': "It's just this spell. I can do harder spells."
'Princess Celestia': "Oh, stop embarrassing yourself, sister."
―Celestia belittling Luna[source]

Noticing her sisters departure, Celestia went to follow her. Upon discovering her failure, Celestia began to belittle her sister once again, which caused Luna to try and to cast a truly hard spell. She decided to pick Dimensional Doorway, a spell to open a gateway to an alternate dimension. Celestia of course didn't think Luna had it in her, but to her surprise, Luna managed to cast it. Celestia was actually impressed, but told Luna to shut it. To her horror, Luna was frozen solid. Celestia noticed how evil and dark the other dimension was as Luna began to be sucked into it. Celestia tried to save her sister, but she wasn't strong enough. Luna was pulled to the otherside and the gateway was closed.[3]

Now in tears, Celestia sought the help of Starswirl the Bearded. Awakening the old unicorn, Celestia was far to frantic to be understood. However, as soon as she mentioned Luna, Starswirl knew something serious had happened. Starswirl was furious to hear that Luna was performing such an advanced spell, but Celestia assured him that it was all her fault. Blaming herself, Celestia was a mess of tears as she described the world. She said it was bad, maybe even "evil" and how it spoke to Luna but not herself. Starswirl explained to Celestia that they live in but one of infinite worlds, and that their exist evils in other worlds capable of consuming all the light in their own.[3]

Starswirl once again scolded Celestia as he created a portal to the evil world with Celestia following shortly behind. Starswirl casted a tracking spell which created a path between them and Luna. Without hesitation, Celestia charged down the path and found Luna being tied by mysterious, goblin like creatures while wearing mysterious blue armor. Once again, without hesitation Celestia charged into battle and fought off the goblins and saved her sister. Luna was surprised by Celestia's kindness but their reunion was short lived as a giant monster cornered them. In the nick of time, Starswirl saved the sisters and ordered them to leave.[3]

As they existed the portal, the two girls had a bonding moment. Celestia admitted that she was a bad older sister and decided to then-on encourage Luna to be he best. The two hugged as Starswirl accidently crashed their moment.[3]

Starswirl would later write about how Celestia and Luna had the fundamental compassion and kindness all true leaders needed.[3]

While Canterlot Castle was being constructed, several mysterious accidents occurred, leaving many to believe it was being cursed or even haunted. When Luna told her that animals were tearing apart the castle, she didn't believe it. However, her tune changed when she saw the new design and was blown away.[4]

Years have passed since the incident with the bubbles. Celestia and Luna have matured quite a lot, though Celestia still retained her cheeky, impish personality to an extent.[1] In conjunction with their mental growth, Celestia grew physically as well. She was notably taller and more stout than before, though not quite as tall as Starswirl.[5]

Starswirl complained that the moodiness of Celestia and Luna was messing with his fabric of reality.[6]

When Celestia heard Starswirl was going on an adventure, she was deeply concerned over his safety, believing he could break a hip during his quest. When Staswirl explained that he was just going with friends, Celestia perked up, realizing he actually had friends. Eventually, Luna and Celestia accepted Starswirl's departure though were still concerned for him.[5]

The corrupted world

Princess Luna: "There you are. I just can't get used to how big this place is. Say, what is this room anyway? What are those things?"
Princess Celestia: "They're mirrors, Luna. I know you don't look at one very often but I at least thought you'd recognize them."
Princess Luna: "Mirrors? Are you sure?"
Starswirl the Bearded: "Strictly speaking, your sister is correct...but rude."
―Luna, Celestia and Starswirl in the Hall of mirrors[source]

After sometime has passed and Staswirl returned from his quest, Celestia's life went mostly to normal. She found it incredibly odd that Starswirl collected mirrors, even odder that said mirrors were gateway to other worlds. Still retaining her sense of humor, Celestia teased Luna when she walked into the room confused by the mirrors. Their good times were cut short when mysterious monsters came from the mirrors and attacked the group. Starswirl fought valiantly to protect the girls and his world from their inter-dimensional terror. The beings kept calling Celestia and Luna "the destroyers" and fought to snatch them. Celestia fought by Luna's side, but it wasn't enough. Starswirl was eventually defeated. Celestia tried to avenge Starswirl but was soon overpowered. Almost like an inverse of the fateful night many moons ago, Luna tried to save her sister but it wasn't enough and soon both girls were sent into the corrupted world.[1]

Starswirl ended up in High Desert volcano and nearly died as he fell in the lava, but was saved by Somnambula and Flash Magnus. After being nursed back to health, Starswirl blamed himself for what happened to the girls.[1]

When Somnanbula asked why the girls would be called "The Destroyers", Starswirl solemnly answered that they had far more destructive power than any other unicorn he ever met.

After being fed up with Starswirl's attitude, Stygian blurted out that the princesses deserved better.[1]

The Pillars of Equestria entered the corrupted forest as they searched for Celestia and Luna.[1]

Eventually, Stygian and Rockhoof discovered the girls. They were injured, unconscious and circled by various monsters who appeared to be worship them. Before the two could save them, they were confronted by the Pony of Shadows who told them to stay away. Furious, Rockhoof demanded to know who could be so evil to kidnap little fillies, but Stygian explained that the "little fillies" actually had enough power to destroy the world, reshaping it to be empty, corrupted and evil. Rockhoof vowed that as long as he stood, the girls would be protected fro his evil. Soon, the rest of the pillars stood by Rockhoof's side as they engaged in a massive battle against his evil forces. Stygian quickly made a way for it and saved the girls, using his mysterious ability to control the beings of the corrupted universe to his advantage by making them throw the girls his way.[1]

Now safe in their own dimension, Rockhoof shattered the dimensional doorway as Starswirl let the two fillies rest.[1]

Monarch of the sun

Celestia would be continue to be raised by Starswirl and would slowly, but surely grow into a wise and compassionate ruler. Despite this, she stiill retained much of her thuggish attitude even in her adulthood.

Era of Harmony

Era of Twilight

Possible futures

Alternate timelines



In her youth, Celestia was very rough, mean-spirited and downright cruel at times. She bullied her little sister, Luna, relentlessly, not feeling guilty when she pushed Luna to extremes and made her feel worthless.[3] She still loved her sister dearly, but it took her sisters near death to make her realize such. Starswirl described Celestia as a "bratty teenager" who caused him lots of stress in his later life. Celestia was also very rude to both Luna and Starswirl, putting her sister down constantly for her perceived stupidity, childishness.[4] and ugliness. As Celestia aged, the meaner aspects of her personality diminished greatly, having her grow into the righteous and just ruler loved by many. Still, some of her more thuggish traits persisted into her adulthood. As a young adult, Celestia ironically displayed an anti-authoritarian personality which put her at odds with the Guards of Sombra's world. Likewise, Celestia's disobedience towards Starswirl never quite died down, and she developed a strikingly self-important side, as seen when she repeatedly disobeyed his orders and traveled into the Mirror Universe, putting the universe in danger for her love life.

Despite her questionable past, Celestia has proven herself to be more than a rightful ruler of Equestria. She believes that as a princess, it's her duty to not only rule Equestria in harmony, but to make sure nopony, no matter how small, does not suffer injustice. When she realized a filly and colt were being abused by their evil aunt, Celestia felt horrible that such a crime could happen in her land and spared no expense in helping the two foals find a new home.

Although not as playful as her sister, Celestia has shown a distinctly more childlike side on a handful of occasions. She literally leaped with glee upon being asked to act in a play and had fun hoofwrestling with Big McIntosh. In general Celestia isn't nearly as mature as she lets on, she's a fan of slapstick comedy, playing good-natured pranks on her citizens and telling silly puns. Despite her goofier side, Celestia is also a fan of literature, theater, classical music and other more "serious" activities.

Perhaps another sign of her immature nature is her interest in piracy. Celestia seems to own her own pirate ship which she captained in her faux pirate adventure with the Mane Six and Luna.

Despite her seemingly haughty appearance, Celestia is actually very approachable and loves to spend time with her subjects as an equal. Although generally easy-going and humble in nature, Celestia does not tolerate blatant disrespect to her or her peoples. Although in ';Tales of Equestria: The Storytelling Game, it's said that alicorns such as Celestia want to be treated as equals, she seems to expect to be addressed by proper titles, such as "your majesty" and "princess", but only by her people.

No doubt due to her friendly personality, Celestia has forged good relations with foreign kingdoms, becoming good friends with King Aspen of Thicket and Queen Novo of the Mount Aris civilizatio. Celestia has a maternal, gentle personality to her, treating Twilight Sparkle almost like a daughter and "adopted" Princess Cadance as her own niece. She's also very close with her sister, Luna. The two have a mutaally protective relationship with one another; they both respect the fact the other is strong and powerful, but still try to protect one another at any cost. When Luna was about to dive into the mind of Accord in order to save Equestria from his powers, Celestia kissed on the cheek her as a sign of her love.

On a few occasions, Celestia has turned herself into a regular pony in order to see what Equestria was like from their perspectives, and to see how ponies viewed her as a ruler. Surprisingly, she appeared to be rather unpopular among the common pony, with ponies advocating for Twilight Sparkle and even Pinkie Pie to take over as the new ruler of Equestria. Even weirder, is Celestia didn't seem at all surprised by this notion. Much of Celestia's playful nature comes out during these moments, as she enjoyed playing pranks on her subjects as a regular pony.

In spite of her good nature and friendly personality, Celestia is still a ruling monarch and will lay down her authority if the time calls. In fact, this has caused her to be viewed almost like a dictator by some ponies, who believe Celestia harshly punishes anyone who acts out of line, possibly due to lingering anxiety caused by the Banishment of Princess Luna. This anxiety spread even as far as Discord, who legitimately believed Celestia to treat Equestria like a business with her as the seemingly kind, but truly ruthless boss who ran it. This image also spread to her student, Twilight Sparkle, who believed she would punish Fluttershy for kidnapping her bird, Philomena.

Over her long life, Celestia has maintained a number of friendly relationships with her citizens, such as Inkwell, a unicorn who aided Celestia during the Battle for Canterlot. When Celestia tried to rescue a baby unicorn from certain doom, Inkwell helped defend Celestia from incoming fire and ever since then the two became good friends. Even in her elderly life, Celestia and Inkwell were close. Perhaps not by coincidence that Celestia has since become good friends with Inkwell's presumed grandaughter, Raven Inkwell.

World breaker

As the 'world breaker', or Eris's pet, Celestia was a very bestial and unintelligent creature who obeyed her masters every word and only showed loyalty towards her. This mindless nature allowed Celestia to attack Luna and Stygian on sight with no hesitation and only showed concern when Eris was upset.

Personal life


Princess Celestia's geneology is unknown, with no known parents. She is the older sister to Princess Luna. Together, the two were raised by Starswirl the Bearded, who raised them and mentored them, acting as sort of a fatherly figure, but more of a teacher. Celestia was once a very mean and overbearing older sister towards Luna, but grew closer to her after Luna was trapped in the Dark World. Celestia considers Princess Cadance to be like an niece of sorts and shows her familial love and warmth. Over the years, Celestia gained a mother-daughter type relationship with Twilight Sparkle, her number one student. The two spent a lot of time together when Twilight was a filly, Celestia handed over Twilight lots of responsibility, but only did so because she thought highly of Twilight and trusted her greatly. Celestia showed the filly warmth and love, acting like a "cool aunt" of sorts. Celestia also raised Spike for the first few months of his love with "lots of love". It's clear she loved Spike a great deal, but the two grew slightly distant over the course of his life. She was still affectionate and caring towards him, but admitted she barely knew him.


Luna is Celestia's younger sister. In their youth, Celestia was a bully who talked down to Luna, going out of her way to make her sister feel awful. After an incident where Celestia almost lost Luna for good, spurned by her own attitude towards her little sister, Celestia vowed to treat Luna better.[7] Ever since then, Celestia has not only treated Luna better, but everyone else, but has retained a playfully snide attitude. She enjoys teasing her sister, implying she's ugly or incompetent at management a few times, but it's all in good fun. Celestia loves Luna with all of her heart and will do anything for her, but also realizes that Lua is more than capable of doing stuff without Celestia.

Celestia kissed Luna on the cheek when Luna vowed to save Equestria by going into Accord's mind ad often hugs her sister to show affection.

Luna loves Celestia back but often show it in a different way. While Celestia was missing in the Mirror universe, Luna dressed as Celestia in order to quell any suspicion about Celestia's status, and showed angry but caring concern over Celetia when she found out hr selfish behavior got her so hurt. In many ways, Luna is more like the older sister in their relationship, being the one who holds Celestia's whimsical attitude in place and sometimes, the entire kingdom in place.


Cadance isn't related to Celestia by blood, but Celestia deemed her to be her "royal niece". The two have been shown to have a very loving relationship with one another. Since Cadance's adoptive parents, though loving and caring, are simple villagers, they don't attend much of Cadance's more royal gatherings, instead Celestia watches over her. Celesta acts like a 'cool mom' type, trying to give Celestia advice on topics such as romance and royal living while also stooping to her level to insult the less-than-desirable ponies Cadance has come in contact with. The two ahve remained very close and often hug or nuzzle one another when they meet up.


Starswirl was Celestia's mentor and in many ways, her fatherly figure. Starswirl's contradictory personality made raising the girls difficult and twisted. While Celestia and Luna loved Starswirl, and he seemed to care about them back, it occasionally seemed like he only cared about them as a means to the end. Nonetheless, they got along fine throughout their lives. Starswirl and Celestia became much closer after Celestia became a formal princess.


Template:Sparkle family tree

Magical skills and abilities

Princess Celestia was described as having "infinite power"[excerpt 1] and was said to be far more destructive than any unicorn Starswirl the Bearded as ever met.[excerpt 2] Additionally, Celestia was said to be the most destructive force in all of history, capable of overunning entire universes, rendering them dark and empty.[excerpt 3] Celestia is among the only ponies capable of raising the sun without losing the ability to cast magic in the process.,[excerpt 4] and has done so for over 1,000 years. She also has the ability to raise the moon as well and did so while Luna was exiled.

Behind the scenes

Lost brother, Cosmos

In early drafts of the film dating back to April 2015, Princess Celestia was going to be revealed to have a brother named Cosmos. Cosmos would serve as the predecessor to Tempest Shadow and went through several design altercations in the span of a year, but was typically designed as a damaged (emotionally and physically), angry stallion with heavy armor but a scrawny body.[8]

Official descriptions

"Everyone loves her!"
— Narration[source]

"Princess Celestia is the ruler of Equestria and Twilight Sparkle's mentor. Princess Celestia is kind, gentle and powerful... eveything she needs to rule and protect her kingdom."
— Desc[source]

RPG Stats and abilities

  • Stats
    • Body: D20
    • Mind: D20
    • Charm: 2D20
    • Stamina: 40
  • Talents:
    • Princess (D12)
    • Telekinesis (D20)
    • Stout Heart (D20)
    • Creative Flair: Leadership (D20)
    • Stun Ray (D20)
    • Teleport (D20)
    • Forcefield (D20)
    • Creative Flair: Teaching (D20)
  • Quirks:
    • Busy



Event and battles

Conflict Type Involvement Era Story Outcome
First battle of the Corrupted forest Battle Princess Celestia lead the charge in order to save her sister from harms way Age of Heroes Legends of Magic #1 Victorious
Battle at the hall of mirrors Battle Fought side-by-side Starswirl and Luna as they fought the Scouts of destruction Age of Heroes Legends of Magic Annual 2018 Defeated
Second battle of the Corrupted forest Battle Celestia was unconscious through the ordeal and had to be saved by Stygian Age of Heroes Legends of Magic Annual 2018 Saved
Battle of Discord Battle Defeated Discord with the help of Princess Luna Era of Two Sisters Princess Twilight Sparkle - Part 2 Victorious
Celestia vs Luna Battle Celestia was forced to banish her dear sister to the moon after she was corrupted Era of Two Sisters Princess Twilight Sparkle - Part 2 Victorious
Invasion of Cantelot Battle With the help of Inkwell and other citizens of Canterlot, Celestia managed to save Canterlot from invaders. Era of Princess Celestia Micro-Series #8 Victorious
Princess Celestia vs Chrysalis Battle Celestia fought to protect her people from the evil Queen Chrysalis Era of Harmony A Canterlot Wedding - Part 2 Defeated
Princess Celestia and Spike vs Monsters Battle With the help of Spike, Celestia managed to defeat a swarm of monsters that threatened Equestria Era of Harmony The Return of Queen Chrysalis Victorious
Nightmare Rarity war Battle With the help Luna and of all of Ponyville and beyond, Celestia fought to repel Nightmare Rarity and her monsters from destroying the world Era of Harmony Nightmare Rarity arc Victorious
Battle for two worlds Battle Fought to save both universes from total destruction Era of Twilight Reflections Victorious
Battle of the two Celestia's Battle Fought against her corrupted, dark doppleganger from another universe Era of Twilight Reflections Victorious

In fanfiction

Celestia's appearances in fanfiction tend to vary wildly. Early interpretations of Celestia tended to fall into two major categories. The mad tyrant/dictator who forged a cult-of-personality to spread harmony through propaganda, or a sympathetic, godlike figure who was blighted by the curse of immortality. As the show went on, many of these interpretations were disprovan naturally, with Celestia consistently showing genuine kindness and gentleness, while also being rather happy with her life, despite her immortal nature. Even though "Spike and Princess Celestia" stated that Celestia hardly knew Spike, many fanfictions portray Celestia and Spike as having a mother and son relationship. Similarly, Celestia is often depicted as being a motherly figure towards Twilight.



  1. "Looks can be deceiving, Rockhoof. These are not mere fillies. They have an infinite power for destruction. With a little bit of corruption, they'll become Daybreaker and Nightmare Moon. I saw in the ones from my world, I sought to unlock that power, but my Starswirl stopped me."
    Pony of Shadows[source]

  2. "Both of those girls are more powerful than any other unicorn I've ever met. If they chose to be forces of destruction, they would be quite formidable"
    — Starswirl the Bearded[source]

  3. "All I had to do was send my scouts to wait until they made themselves visible again. Then I captured them and once I have infused them with shadow magic, I shall command the two most destructive foces in history Then I'll overrun every reality and make it as empty and corrupted as mine."
    — Pony of Shadows[source]

  4. "Once upon a time, before Celestia, Equestria was suffering terrible hardship. Raising the sun every morning was so hard, it took five great sorcerers plus Star Swirl the Bearded to do it. And every day, the unicorns helping Star Swirl would use so much magic, they lost their powers forever. Things looked bleak. Soon, Equestria would lose all its magic users! Then, the land would be covered in darkness for eternity! But then, a student named Celestia discovered she had the power to raise the sun herself without draining her magic!"
    — Fluttershy[source]

> Template:Monarchs of Equestria

 V - E - H - DAlicorns
Tales Dazzleglow
Friendship is Magic Princess Cadance (OEL • A-Halter • Manga • Reflections) • Princess Celestia (OEL • Daybreaker • Deviations • Discordverse • Reflections • Nightmare Star • Mirror-Universe Celestia • Mirror-Universe Daybreaker • Princess Solar) • Cozy Glow (Alicorn • Chaos) • Death • Eclipse Destiny • Flurry Heart (OEL) • Princess Gold Lily • Good Fortune Garnet Alicorn • Humble Trixie • Léon • Princess Luna (OEL • Nightmare Moon • Princess Argent • Deviations • Discordverse • Reflections • "The Flying Reindeer" • Mirror-Universe Luna • Mirror-Universe Nightmare Moon • Starry Night Terror) • Prince McIntosh • Queen Parabola • Princess Pinkie Pie • Skyla • Princess Sterling • Trixie (Reflections • Mirror-Universe) • Twilight Sparkle (OEL • Absolem • Boromir • Marey Man • The Princess Diaries • Tweezers • Twilight-chan) • Twilight Sporkle • Hyperthetical alicorns (Princess Sunset Shimmer • King Starswirl) • Alicorns due to error (Princess Erroria • Flash Sentry • Fleur de Lis • Lemon Hearts • Lyra Heartstrings • "Mulberry Flowers" • Neon Lights • Rarity • Rivet • Rose • Steam Roller)
Generation 5 Opaline • Sunny Starscout
Settlements and realms Skyros
Organizations UFO • Four Princesses
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