Canterlot Castle

Revision as of 21:07, 2 November 2020 by EmeraldBlitz (talk | contribs)

Canterlot Castle is a large castle located in Canterlot on Canterlot Mountain.

Interior of Cantlerlot Castle, post-Sacking of Canterlot


The castle was designed by Princess Luna and the Canterlot critters in the later periods of the Age of Heroes. Originally, the castle was designed to be a heavily fortified citadel, but it was soon decided that a beacon of hope and light would be a far better alternative. Although Princess Celestia was critical over the redesign at first, she soon (begrudgingly) fell in live with the new design. The development of the castle was troubled, with many sabotage attempts by mysterious culpripts, eventually causing Luna to stakeout the castle to catch whoever caused it. When she discovered Mistmane and the Critters were doing it, she was shocked and angry at first but eventually reasoned with them. Afterwards, the castle's development went far smoother.[1]

After the castle was built, it remained largely the same for quite some time. Eventually, the city of Canterlot was built around it. Celestia, Luna and Starswirl the Bearded all lived in the castle as a makeshift family until Starswirl eventually disaspeared.[2]

After the banishment of Princess Luna, Celestia remained as the last of the original three who lived in the castle, though at some point she invited Sunset Shimmer to live with her. Although she cared for Sunset, the unicorn eventually grew envious of Celestia and escaped into her Magic Mirror into the Human dimension.[3]

Decades later, the castle was seen in the crossfire of the Storm-Equestrian war and was partly destroyed,[4] though by the time the School of Friendship was built, the castle was remodeled.[5]

In other media

Mobile game

In [[My Little Pony: Magic Princess], Canterlot Castle is a residential location in both Canterlot and Ponyville, the latter also being home to Future Canterlot Castle.



 V - E - H - DFriendship is Magic places
Countries Abyssinia • Dragon Lands • Equestria • Griffonstone • Mount Aris • Saddle Arabia • more
Settlements Appleloosa • Canterlot • Cloudsdale • Dodge Junction • Fillydelphia • Manehattan • Our Town • Ponyville • Seaward Shoals • more
Establishments Carousel Boutique • Golden Oak Library • Ponyville Schoolhouse • Rainbow Factory • School of Friendship • Sugarcube Corner • more
Landmarks Canterlot Castle • Castle of Friendship • Castle of Two Sisters • Changeling Hive • Crystal Castle • Grogar's lair • more
Landforms Canterlot Mountain • Celestial Sea • Everfree Forest • Frozen North • Greater Equestria • Mount Aris • more
Cosmology Planets • Stars • Universes • Other
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