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Sunburst, who is not a wizard

Wizards were a profession used by both Human and Pony alike, though the definition was altered somewhat depending on the society.

They were the male equivalent of Witches. Magicians are similar to them, but are more more show.


My Little Pony

Wizards were often villainous people in the first generation of My Little Pony, with many wizards either being mean-spirited, if not purely evil in their own right. Notable wizards included Omar, Jewel Wizard and Nightshade, all of whom had some nasty plan up there aged sleeves. Wizards were often defeated by the ponies, or in some cases, humans, whether by outsmarting them or sending them to their dooms.

The actual magical power of wizards tended to vary a lot, though feats of powerful magic were far and few between.

Friendship is Magic

As all unicorns can perform magic, Wizards seem to take on a more scholarly role throughout Equestria, with Wizards being more associated with knowing the history of magic and various spells, rather than being magic at all. In Abyssinia however, wizards appear to take on a more traditional role. As Cat lords and Lizardfolk don't appear to inherently magic, Wizards are more revered. Some Abyssinian wizards include Garnet Flash and the Redwatch Order.


Behind the scenes


V - E - H - DPractitioners of the arcane arts
Occupations Wizard • Witch • Enchanter • Magician • Sorcerer
Wizards Arial's father • Gandalf • Garnet Flash • Garth • Jewel Wizard • Lorne of Lore • Nightshade • Mothert • Omar • Sendak • Severus Snape • Starswirl the Bearded • Trixie's wizard
Witches Somnambula • Unicorn sorcerer • Witch Queen
Enchanters Nightshade • Zecora
Magicians Jack Pot • Miss Direction • Peppers Ghost • Trixie Lulamoon in Equestria Girls
Sorcerers Grogar
 V - E - H - DTitles and jobs
Occupations Accountant • Actors • Artist • (Illustrator • Painter • Sculptor) • Astronaut • Athlete • A/V worker • Business owner • Carpenter • Cheerleader • Coach • Comedian • Cook (Chef) • Cosplayer • Criminal • Dancer • Detective • Diplomat • Director • Doctor • Enchanter • Engineer • Farmer • Fashion designer • Firefighter • Historian • Journalist • Knight • Knitter • Librarian • Mailworker • Magician • Mech pilot • Merchant • Miner • Model • Musician (Bassist • Cellist • DJ • Drummer • Flutist • Guitarist • Keyboardist • Keytarist • Pianist • Rocker • Singer • Trumpeter • Violinist) • Nurse • Performer • Photographer • Pilot • Pirate • Police officer • Politician • Sailor • Scientist (Astronomer • Botanist • Chemist • Engineer • Mathematician • Physicist • Roboticist) • Secret agent • Shop keeper • Spy • Superhero • Supervillain • Sorcerer • Taxi driver • Teacher • Time traveler • Train worker • Witch • Wizard • Wrestler
Rulers Dragon Lord • King • Prince • Master • Princess • Queen • Tyrant • Emperor • Empress • Mayor • Baron