Appaloosan Mountains

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Appaloosan Mountains
Friendship is Magic character
Overview information
TypeMountain range

The Appaloosan Mountains were a mountain range located in Equestria.

Historically, the mountains were the potential site for an ancient Diamond Dog civilization, or at least a digging site, as the mines were littered wit ruined statues of Diamond Dogs. The mountain had at least two doorways, the Ziggy Stardust gateway and the Walk Tall, Act Fine, Never Look Back door. The Mane Six traveled throughout them on their way to the Changeling Kingdom in order to save the Cutie Mark Crusaders from Queen Chrysalis.


 V - E - H - DFriendship is Magic places
Countries Abyssinia • Dragon Lands • Equestria • Griffonstone • Mount Aris • Saddle Arabia • more
Settlements Appleloosa • Canterlot • Cloudsdale • Dodge Junction • Fillydelphia • Manehattan • Our Town • Ponyville • Seaward Shoals • more
Establishments Carousel Boutique • Golden Oak Library • Ponyville Schoolhouse • Rainbow Factory • School of Friendship • Sugarcube Corner • more
Landmarks Canterlot Castle • Castle of Friendship • Castle of Two Sisters • Changeling Hive • Crystal Castle • Grogar's lair • more
Landforms Canterlot Mountain • Celestial Sea • Everfree Forest • Frozen North • Greater Equestria • Mount Aris • more
Cosmology Planets • Stars • Universes • Other
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