Yak diplomat 1

From Equestripedia, the Archives of Equestria!
Are you that one kooky Grandpa?
The title of this article is conjecture based off a title, position, membership occupation, or description of said character, rather then an wholly original fan name.
Friendship is Magic character
Biographical information
Real world
"Party Pooped"

This yak was a represnitive of Yakyakistan who traveled with Prince Rutherford to various places beyond their kingdom for diplomacy and other political endeavors. He has been seen traveling to Ponyville and attended the Convocation of the Creatures.[1][2]



Films and specials



 V - E - H - DBovines
Cattle Cows Babe • Bessie • Daisy Jo • Melancholy Cow • Mooriella • Sad Cow
Bulls Doc Holstein • Jersey Shore • Angus McSteer • Buffalo Bull • King Longhorn
Buffalo Cows Big Angie • Little Strongheart
Bulls Buffy • Chief Thunderhooves
Yaks Females Bright-Eyed Yak Calf • Mighty Yak • Tenacious Yak • Yak Friendship Student • Yakmina • Yigrid • Yona • Yona's family (Grandma • Mom • Sister)
Males Prince Crompus • Decorated Yak • Prince Dromius • Fluffy Yak Calf • Gruntwig • Horwitz • Leroy • Prince Rutherford • Prince Ulysses • Yakatar • Yak diplomat 1 • 2 • Yojan • Yona's Grandpa • Yskler • Unidentified yak 1 (Not Asking for Trouble) • Unidentified yak 2 (Not Asking for Trouble) • Unidentified yak 1 (The Last Problem) • Unidentified Yak 2 (The Last Problem) • Unidentified yak Calf (The Last Problem)
Unspecified Grimhorn • Ingville • Tormand
Culture Yakyakistan
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