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[[File:LOM1_Cover_RI.jpg|thumb|270px|Twilight's bookish nature]]
Twilight is pure of heart - she's as good natured as it gets, kind, gentle, caring, heroic and incredibly selfless. Righteous and brave, Twilight has proven herself to be among the greatest heroes to ever grace Equestria. Aside from her courageous, lion-hearted nature, Twilight's two most recognizable traits is her sheer intelligence and her easily stressed nature. Her intelligence and generally nerdy and dorky personality has caused her to study many different disciplines, such as engineering, astronomy and magic.
Twilight Sparkle was among the most righteous and heroic ponies in all of Equestria. She is incredibly brave, noble, selfless, kind, courageous and determined. Prior to moving to Ponyville, Twilight wasn't concerned with making friends or having anything resembling a social life. Instead, Twilight was mostly just interested in herself and propelling herself forward. Twilight was generally polite, but often put others down without thinking about their feelings. Regardless, Twilight had redeeming qualities. Although she acted mostly out of personal gain, Twilight wasn't necessarily selfish or mean-spirited, just focusing on herself and herself alone. She was altruistic, caring and had a genuine want to help others. She showered the few people she was close to with loving affection and though she was rather controlling over Spike, still showed him nourishment and love.

After moving to Ponyville, Twilight has developed into the friendly, sweet and high-spirited pony who enjoys making knew friends and spreads the virtues of friendship that we know and love today. Twilight is well known for her scholarly personality and unparalleled intelligence, studying more then just a little bit of everything. Twilight has been bookish from a young age, but as a filly, Twilight was far more adventurous then she was prior to moving to [[Ponyville]]. She often went on adventures throughout nearby woods and even played games of [[Oubliettes and Ogres]] with her brothers' friends. She appeared to be considerably more friendly and outgoing as a filly too. Though she appeared somewhat cold and a little stoic to Cadance, the two quickly became best friends.

As a filly, Twilight was very dramatic and over the top, often reacting to situations with extreme emotions and expressions. To an extent, this personality trait carried over into her adult life, and is much more clear in some incarnations than others, but is typically downplayed. Twilight was a very precocious child, having a nigh-genius level intellect when she could be no older then 5, she proved smart enough to threaten even Cadance in a battle of the wits, proving herself to be Cadance's equal in the end. However, Twilight was also a lot less caring as a filly. In contrast to several fan-interpretation of Twilight's character as a filly, Twilight cared very little for Spike, only thinking of him as an assignment she had to complete to make Princess Celestia proud, not as a friend to be loved. Twilight learned the error of her ways after realizing how badly she affected the baby dragon, and how much the dragon still loved her despite her flaws. Ever since, Twilight and Spike developed a relationship akin to an elder-sister, little-brother with Twilight supporting Spike, but also scolding him and shows a somewhat maternal side to him.

[[File:FIM10_Stands.png|thumb|left|270px|Twilight goofing off at the [[Summer Wrap Up]]]]
Despite her occasional lapses into stuck up and self-absorbed behavior, Twilight is generally good-natured, playful and even goofy. When she's not studying or reading or saving all of Equestria, Twilight enjoys having fun in more traditional hobbies. She's shown to enjoy singing, dancing, telling stories and generally goofing off. Twilight loves to party and almost always has a blast at Pinkie's parties. Twilight also enjoys public parties, having the time of her life at the [[Summer Wrap Up Festival and Hoedown|Summer Wrap Up]], singing and dancing with her friends and playing with Big Mac. Twilight loves to eat and gets upset when someone else eats her food, but is always willing to share. She particularly appears to enjoy fries and cakes. Twilight is a great friend, caring and loving, supportive and nurturing, respectful and polite. Despite her polite nature, Twilight is shown to have occasional bad manners, though never out of laziness of malice. She eats like a hog and sometimes lacks control of her emotions, going ballistic or even crazy over continued annoyances, though has grown to control her emotions and keep her cool in her years in Ponyville. Although sometimes seen as a "by the books nerd" by her friends, Twilight houses an artistic and creative side that occasionally comes out. When she was staying with Summer Mane, her singing drove the aged mare crazy.

Twilight often acts as an older-sister-mentor type figure to those younger than her. She has proven herself to be a skilled teacher who cares for and respects her students greatly, never talking down to them or belittling their abilities, while also treating them like dear friends.

[[File:MANGA_Twilight_Appearance.png|thumb|270px|A rare instance of a graceful Twilight]]

Twilight is equipped with a sincere love for all life in Equestria. Whenever lives are in danger, she springs to their aid, whether they be friend or foe. The extent of her selfless nature can be seen when she saved Discords life from Tirek, despite Discord being a consistent threat to Equestria and personally betrayed her only hours prior to the event. Twilight was sincerely sympathetic to Sombra after realizing the harsh childhood he was forced to endure, constantly being taunted by visions of his future self, and eventually caving into his foreseen destiny as the "King of the monsters". Twilight also showed empathy towards Tempest Shadow after realizing how betrayed and lonely she felt all throughout her life, and cared about the dysfunctional mare even when she was attempting to give Twilight up to the Storm King. Regardless of this, Twilight has her limits and though she felt bad for Sombra, she had no qualms with trying to ambush him. Likewise, Twilight seems to have utterly no love or Queen Chrysalis either, viewing her as nothing more then a truly wicked queen.

[[File:MANGA_Ego.png|thumb|left|Twilight's ego may have been severely reduced, ''but it will never be gone''. As such, she has a need to be right, even when it's for arbitrary or petty reasons]]

Sometimes, Twilight is extremely expressive and emotes to situations in a much more cartoonish fashion then usual. These situations tend to play off of Twilight's well-known 'problems' regarding her stress and need to be the best she can possibly be. Even at her absolutely most extreme portrayals, Twilight always retains her strong moral center and never does anything to bad. However, she doesn't necessarily seem to have a problem with stalking and spying on others for personal gain, though is greatly embarrassed upon getting caught. That said, Twilight has shown to be okay with using or even manipulating others for self-gain, however this usually only happens when Twilight is to far gone to see things rationally. This isn't always the case and sometimes she simply does rude or mean things to get out of annoying social situations. This side of her personality is more or less a leftover byproduct of her anti-social behavior and has mostly melted away, as with several (but certainly not all) of Twilight's more negative traits.

Glimpses of Twilight's personality can be seen in her relationship with her opposite from the Reflection universe. In the reflection universe, Twilight was cold, uncaring and only reads non-fiction books. This version of Twilight also didn't appear to care for her friends and had no qualms or concerns when the universes version of Rarity abandoned Spike for the most minor of offenses. Despite her overall good nature, Twilight has a rather nasty temper. She's blown up at her friends in stressful situations, even passively threatening Pinkie Pie with a magic spell during the adventures beyond Equestria, though immediately regretted her actions. Twilight has also willingly given up on her friends when she believed they no longer cared about one another, but once again heavily regretted this decision and reconciled with her friends shortly thereafter. In tandem of her temperamental side, there lies her emotional side. Twilight has been shown to flair between emotions at a moments notice. On the [[Fiftieth Day after her Birthday Party]], Twilight was downtrodden after believing none of her friends cared about her anymore and didn't want to spend time with her, but was reduced to tears of joy when they told her just how much they loved her.

In conjunction of Twilight's more rational mindset, Twilight is extremely neat, tidy and tries her best to be as organized as possible. This is, of course, one of the many self-destructive qualities of Twilight's personality that tends to cause her to become more stressed then she reasonably should. Although this quality sometimes annoys her friends, they have mostly since accepted it and sometimes help her with her organizing. In the manga story, "Cleaning!?", Rainbow Dash tried to help Twilight with her chores, but only made a massive mess by throwing all of her stuff outside. Spike also usually helps with the cleaning, but sometimes does it all by himself.

Twilight is exceedingly humble, almost to a self-destructive level at times. She vehemently dislikes to show off the true extent of her magical talent in public in fear people will think less of her, and she has an overall stigma against using her abilities in public situations outside of simple spells and tricks. This has softened up considerably over the years. Despite her constant fear of losing her friends, Twilight is generally admired and respected by most people she meets. Even villains such as Discord have warmed up to her over time.

Upon becoming a princess, Twilight was rocked with a myriad of mixed feelings. While initially elated at such a prospect, Twilight was quickly met with stress and self-doubt. She simply didn't believe herself not be qualified for the position, despite her friends all cheering her on. Twilight went to seek help from her elders in Ponyville, such as the Cakes, who showed her warmth and sincerely believed in her, but Twilight wasn't convinced. She went to seek the advice of her sister-in-law, Princess Cadance. Even after Cadance gave her solid advice and helped her through the stress, Twilight still was not convinced. Days later, she still felt uncomfortable and anxious over her position and struggled to sleep at nights because of this. Granted, her inability to sleep was also amplified by her wings, which proved rather uncomfortable. Twilight has since grown into her role as Princess phenomenally and has become by far one of the most beloved figures in Equestria given her kind and courageous spirit.

Twilight typically speaks in a rather "advanced" manner. Although her language is considerably less artistic and theatrical as her close friend Rarity, it's still more regal then most of her friends. Twilight tends to use bigger-than-necessary words and often uses scientific names for objects, creatures and other things rather than the more familiar terminology. Twilight doesn't do this to project herself as a superior entity however, it's merely a habit and will always, and usually without annoyance, switch to more down-to-earth terminology when others have trouble following. Outside of her affiliation towards scientific wordings, Twilight has a tendency to lower her voice in more awkward situations and talk more 'girlish' then she usually does when she doesn't seem to know what to do. Twilight also has a tendency to rant and rabble, stringing together long, mumbled, incoherent messes of words when under stress or in disbelief. To a lesser, more coherent extent, Twilight can perform these when sufficiently angered.

Twilight Sparkle is a righteous pony with a strong moral center and good sense of justice and law. She believes herself to be pure of heart, and has proven her good and selfless nature on many occasions. She is willing to risk her life not only for the safety of those she cares about, but also for strangers and even enemies, as she believes it to be the right thing to do. Although her morals can be halted by the prospect of personal gain - especially academic gains - she will always do the right thing in the end, no matter what. Twilight is willing to forgive friends and enemies alike if she believes them to be sincere, such as when she accepted Thorax for who he was or when she forgave and befriended Fizzle Pop Berry Twist. Twilight is always willing to fight for what she thinks is right, such as in her numerous clashes with Queen Chrysalis and other enemies. Although it doesn't become an issue to often, Twilight is lawful to a fault. She utterly refuses to betray Princess Celestia's law and rule, even when it's the right thing to do, and as such, did not once use her magic on Longhorn and his goons until they were blatantly breaking the law. This trait occasionally puts her at odds with her friends, but never for long. She is however, willing to manipulate the law in her favor as long as she doesn't break it. Twilight has proven herself to be brave, selfless and undoubtedly heroic in her many adventures, often making great sacrifices to save her friends and all of Equestria. During "The Return of Queen Chrysalis" story arc, Twilight willingly sacrificed herself so that her friends would not be drained of their love and solemnly mentioned how much she loved them in the process. Unquestionably a hard worker by nature, Twilight managed her library with impressive organization and punctuation, more so, Twilight would often help organize town events, sometimes even as the manager or leader of said events. It can be said that Twilight was essentially always doing something. Whether that be studying, experimenting, work, adventures, socialization or another myriad of errands Twilight has on her nigh-endless to-do list. Despite this, Twilight is usually chipper and sunny, but can have bouts of stress, especially after becoming a princess.

==Personal life==
==Personal life==