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Twilight Sparkle is among the most righteous and heroic ponies in all of Equestria. She is incredibly brave, noble, selfless, kind, courageous and determined. Prior to moving to Ponyville, Twilight wasn't concerned with making friends or having anything resembling a social life. Instead, Twilight was mostly just interested in herself and propelling herself forward. Twlight was generally polite, but often put others down without thinking about their feelings. Regardless, Twilight had redeeming qualities. Although she acted mostly out of personal gain, Twilight wasn't necessarily selfish or mean-spirited, just focusing on herself and herself alone. She was altruistic, caring and had a genuine want to help others. She showered the few people she was close to with loving affection and though she was rather controlling over Spike, still showed him nourishment and love. After moving to Ponyville, Twilight has developed into the friendly, sweet and high-spirited pony who enjoys making knew friends and spreads the virtues of friendship that we know and love today. Twilight is well known for her scholarly personality and unparalleled intelligence, studying more then just a little bit of everything. Twilight has been bookish from a young age, but as a filly, Twilight was far more adventurous then she was prior to moving to [[Ponyville]]. She often went on adventures throughout nearby woods and even played games of [[Oubliettes and Ogres]] with her brothers' friends. She appeared to be considerably more friendly and outgoing as a filly too. Though she appeared somewhat cold and a little stoic to Cadance, the two quickly became best friends. As a filly, Twilight was very dramatic and over the top, often reacting to situations with extreme emotions and expressions. To an extent, this personality trait carried over into her adult life, and is much more clear in some incarnations than others, but is typically downplayed. Twilight was a very precocious child, having a nigh-genius level intellect when she could be no older then 5, she proved smart enough to threaten even Cadance in a battle of the wits, proving hersel to be Cadance's equal in the end. However, Twilight was also a lot less caring as a filly. In contrast to several fan-interpretation of Twilight's character as a filly, Twilight cared very little for Spike, only thinking of him as an assignment she had to complete to make Princess Celestia proud, not as a friend to be loved. Twilight learned the error of her ways after realizing how badly she affected the baby dragon, and how much the dragon still loved her despite her flaws. Ever since, Twilight and Spike developed a relationship akin to an elder-sister, little-brother with Twilight supporting Spike, but also scolding him and shows a somewhat maternal side to him.
Twilight is pure of heart - she's as good natured as it gets, kind, gentle, caring, heroic and incredibly selfless. Righteous and brave, Twilight has proven herself to be among the greatest heroes to ever grace Equestria. Aside from her courageous, lion-hearted nature, Twilight's two most recognizable traits is her sheer intelligence and her easily stressed nature. Her intelligence and generally nerdy and dorky personality has caused her to study many different disciplines, such as engineering, astronomy and magic.

Despite her occasional lapses into stuck up and self-absorbed behavior, Twilight is generally good-natured, playful and even goofy. When she's not studying or reading or saving all of Equestria, Twilight enjoys having fun in more traditional hobbies. She's shown to enjoy ssinging<ref name = MS1>[[Micro-Series Issue 1|Micro-Series #1]]</ref>, dancing<ref name = FIM10>[[Friendship is Magic Issue 10|Friendship is Magic #10]]</ref>, telling stories<ref name = FIM10></ref> and generally goofing off. Twilight loves to party and almost always has a blast at Pinkie's parties. Twilight also enjoys public parties, having the time of her life at Ponyville's celebration during "[[Zen and the art of Gazebo Repair]]", singing and dancing with her friends and playing with [[Big Mac]]. Twilight loves to eat and gets upset when someone else eats her food, but is always willing to share<ref name = MANGAPPLP>[[Pinkie Pie Loves Parties!]]</ref>. She particularly appears to enjoy fries<ref name = TT>[[Twilight Time]]</ref> and cakes. <ref name = MANGAWTPV>[[Welcome to Ponyville]]</ref> Twilight is a great friend, caring and loving, supportive and nurturing, respectful and polite. Despite her polite nature, Twilight is shown to have occasional bad manners, though never out of laziness of malice. She eats like a hog<ref name = TT/> and sometimes lacks control of her emotions, going ballistic or even crazy over continued annoyances, though has grown to control her emotions and keep her cool in her years in Ponyville. Although sometimes seen as a "by the books nerd" by her friends<ref name = UGLY></ref>, Twilight houses an artistic and creative side that occasionally comes out. When she was staying with [[Summer Mane]], her singing drove the aged mare crazy.<ref name = ARCHIVES>[[Micro-Series Issue 1|Micro Series #1]]</ref>

Twilight often acts as an older-sister-mentor type figure to those younger than her. She has proven herself to be a skilled teacher who cares for and respects her students greatly, never talking down to them or belittling their abilities, while also treating them like dear friends.

Twilight is equipped with a sincere love for all life in Equestria. Whenever lives are in danger, she springs to their aid, whether they be friend or foe. The extent of her selfless nature can be seen when she saved Discords life from [[Tirek]], despite Discord being a consistent threat to Equestria and personally betrayed her only hours prior to the event. Twilight was sincerely sympathetic to Sombra after realizing the harsh childhood he was forced to endure, constantly being taunted by visions of his future self, and eventually caving into his foreseen destiny as the "King of the monsters". Twilight also showed empathy towards [[Tempest Shadow]] after realizing how betrayed and lonely she felt all throughout her life, and cared about the dysfunctional mare even when she was attempting to give Twilight up to the Storm King. Regardless of this, Twilight has her limits and though she felt bad for Sombra, she had no qualms with trying to ambush him. Likewise, Twilight seems to have utterly no love or Queen Chrysalis either, viewing her as nothing more then a truly wicked queen.

In some stories, Twilight is extremely expressive and emotes to situations in a much more cartoonish fashion then usual. These situations tend to play off of Twilight's well-known 'problems' regarding her stress and need to be the best she can possibly be. Even at her absolutely most extreme portrayals, Twilight always retains her strong moral center and never does anything to bad. However, she doesn't necessarily seem to have a problem with stalking and spying on others for personal gain, though is greatly embarrassed upon getting caught. That said, Twilight has shown to be okay with using or even manipulating others for self-gain, however this usually only happens when Twilight is to far gone to see things rationally. This isn't always the case and sometimes she simply does rude or mean things to get out of annoying social situations. This side of her personality is more or less a leftover byproduct of her anti-social behavior and has mostly melted away, as with several (but certainly not all) of Twilight's more negative traits. Glimpses of Twilight's personality can be seen in her relationship with her opposite from the Reflection universe. In the reflection universe, Twilight was cold, uncaring and only reads non-fiction books. This version of Twilight also didn't appear to care for her friends and had no qualms or concerns when the universes version of Rarity abandoned Spike for the most minor of offenses. Despite her overall good nature, Twilight has a rather nasty temper. She's blown up at her friends in stressful situations, even passively threatening Pinkie Pie with a magic spell during the "Beyond Equestria" storyline, though immediately regretted her actions.<ref name = MOVIE>[[My Little Pony: The Movie Adaptation]]</ref> Twilight has also willingly given up on her friends when she believed they no longer cared about one another<ref name = FIM2>[[Friendship is Magic Issue 2|Friendship is Magic #2]]</ref>, but once again heavily regretted this decision and reconciled with her friends shortly thereafter. In tandem of her temperamental side, there lies her emotional side. Twilight has been shown to flair between emotions at a moments notice. In the manga story, "[[Welcome to Ponyville]]", Twilight was downtrodden after believing none of her friends cared about her anymore and didn't want to spend time with her, but was reduced to tears of joy when they told her just how much they loved her.

{{Q3|Other|Being the pony she was, Twilight couldn’t go to sleep until all her belongings were unpacked and stowed away safely in the appropriate places. There had to be a certain order to things, whether she was at home in Ponyville or not. Routines helped her to feel like the same old Twilight she’d always been. Twilight’s purple Unicorn horn glowed as she used her magic to put each item from her suitcase folded in a drawer, hung in the wardrobe, or placed on the bookshelf. (She’d only packed a couple of books.) Spike watched with mild interest, his attention being tested by the abundance of jewels everywhere. His gem-hoarding dragon instincts were starting to take over. Twilight lifted the princess crown from her bag and tried to position it on her head. The delicate gold tiara supported a shimmering magenta gemstone—an Element of Harmony, a very powerful stone infused with Magic. But instead of looking pretty like Cadance’s, the shining tiara dipped awkwardly down to one side, smushing Twilight’s bangs. One look at her reflection confirmed Twilight’s anxieties. She was no princess, and here she was at the Princess Summit! A summit of princesses!|Narration|[[My Little Pony: Equestria Girls: Through the Mirror]], Chapter 1: [[The Princess Summit]]}}

In conjunction of Twilight's more rational mindset, Twilight is extremely neat, tidy and tries her best to be as organized as possible. This is, of course, one of the many self-destructive qualities of Twilight's personality that tends to cause her to become more stressed then she reasonably should. Although this quality sometimes annoys her friends, they have mostly since accepted it and sometimes help her with her organizing. In the manga story, "[[Cleaning!?]]", Rainbow Dash tried to help Twilight with her chores, but only made a massive mess by throwing all of her stuff outside. Spike also usually helps with the cleaning, but sometimes does it all by himself.

Twilight is exceedingly humble, almost to a self-destructive level at times. She vehemently dislikes to show off the true extent of her magical talent in public in fear people will think less of her, and she has an overall stigma against using her abilities in public situations outside of simple spells and tricks. This has softened up considerably over the years. Despite her constant fear of losing her friends, Twilight is generally admired and respected by most people she meets. Even villains such as Discord have warmed up to her over time.

{{Q3|Other|It wasn’t so easy for the new princess, however. She was absolutely desperate to find a comfortable position in which to rest her new wings. For the next ten minutes, she squirmed and stretched. She rolled and reached. She wiggled and wormed. Twilight had never realized how much work the feathery things could be! As she twisted around in her bed, Twilight made a mental note to discuss optimal wing-sleeping positions with Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash in the morning. Finally, she found a good spot. That’s better, she thought, closing her eyes at last. Sproing! Suddenly, her left wing popped out of the covers. Twilight sighed heavily.
Apparently, there were a lot of things about her new life that were going to take some getting used to—summits, wings, and crowns were only the start. But, hey, at least she didn’t have to sleep in her crown.|Narration|[[My Little Pony: Equestria Girls: Through the Mirror]], Chapter 1: [[The Princess Summit]]}}

Upon becoming a princess, Twilight was rocked with a myriad of mixed feelings. While initially elated at such a prospect, Twilight was quickly met with stress and self-doubt. She simply didn't believe herself not be qualified for the position, despite her friends all cheering her on. Twilight went to seek help from her elders in Ponyville, such as the Cakes, who showed her warmth and sincerely believed in her, but Twilight wasn't convinced. She went to seek the advice of her sister-in-law, Princess Cadance. Even after Cadance gave her solid advice and helped her through the stress, Twilight still was not convinced. Days later, she still felt uncomfortable and anxious over her position and struggled to sleep at nights because of this. Granted, her inability to sleep was also amplified by her wings, which proved rather uncomfortable. Twilight has since grown into her role as Princess phenomenally and has become by far one of the most beloved figures in Equestria given her kind and courageous spirit.

Twilight typically speaks in a rather "advanced" manner. Although her language is considerably less artistic and theatrical as her close friend Rarity, it's still more regal then most of her friends. Twilight tends to use bigger-than-necessary words and often uses scientific names for objects, creatures and other things rather than the more familiar terminology. Twilight doesn't do this to project herself as a superior entity however, it's merely a habit and will always, and usually without annoyance, switch to more down-to-earth terminology when others have trouble following. Outside of her affiliation towards scientific wordings, Twilight has a tendency to lower her voice in more awkward situations and talk more 'girlish' then she usually does when she doesn't seem to know what to do. Twilight also has a tendency to rant and rabble, stringing together long, mumbled, incoherent messes of words when under stress or in disbelief. To a lesser, more coherent extent, Twilight can perform these when sufficiently angered.

{{Quote|[[Queen Chrysalis|You]] don't know what it's like to have friends. You could tell me what it's like to feed on love, but you can't tell what it's like to truly love and be loved. Your motivations are selfish, we fight because we know about things worth fighting for! Love! Friendship! We have things you can't hope to have! You envy us! Ponies who can't do things themselves tell others that they can't do it...I can stand up to you...And I can win!|Twilight Sparkle|''[[Friendship is Magic Issue 4|Friendship is Magic #4]]''}}

Twilight Sparkle is a righteous pony with a strong moral center and good sense of justice and law. She believes herself to be pure of heart, and has proven her good and selfless nature on many occasions. She is willing to risk her life not only for the safety of those she cares about, but also for strangers and even enemies, as she believes it to be the right thing to do. Although her morals can be halted by the prospect of personal gain - especially academic gains - she will always do the right thing in the end, no matter what. Twilight is willing to forgive friends and enemies alike if she believes them to be sincere, such as when she accepted [[Thorax]] for who he was or when she forgave and befriended [[Tempest Shadow|Fizzle Pop Berry Twist]]. Twilight is always willing to fight for what she thinks is right, such as in her numerous clashes with Queen Chrysalis and other enemies. Although it doesn't become an issue to often, Twilight is lawful to a fault. She utterly refuses to betray Princess Celestia's law and rule, even when it's the right thing to do, and as such, did not once use her magic on [[Longhorn]] and his [[Longhorn's Gang|goons]] until they were blatantly breaking the law. This trait occasionally puts her at odds with her friends, but never for long. She is however, willing to manipulate the law in her favor as long as she doesn't break it. Twilight has proven herself to be brave, selfless and undoubtedly heroic in her many adventures, often making great sacrifices to save her friends and all of [[Equestria]]. During "[[The Return of Queen Chrysalis]]" story arc, Twilight willingly sacrificed herself so that her friends would not be drained of their love and solemnly mentioned how much she loved them in the process. Unquestionably a hard worker by nature, Twilight managed her library with impressive organization and punctuation, more so, Twilight would often help organize town events, sometimes even as the manager or leader of said events. It can be said that Twilight was essentially always doing something. Whether that be studying, experimenting, work, adventures, socialization or another myriad of errands Twilight has on her nigh-endless to-do list. Despite this, Twilight is usually chipper and sunny, but can have bouts of stress, especially after becoming a princess.

Even before becoming an alicorn, Twilight was a beloved hero in Equestria. So beloved in act that Twilight starred in her own cartoon serial at some point, albeit without her involvement. These serials were animated in a classic Disney-esque style and depicted Twilight and her friends on an adventure to say the Cutie Mark Crusaders from the wicked Queen Chrysalis. In short, these cartoons were direct adaptations of the current storyline, only shown in a goofier tone. The canonicity of these is lose however, as it was depicted in the backup stories for ''[[Friendship is Magic Issue 2|Friendship is Magic #2]]'' and ''[[Friendship is Magic Issue 3|Friendship is Magic #3]]'' and thus may have never happened. Twilight is a generally well-liked figure in Equestria. Twilight has since become a role model for children throughout Equestria and a mentor to those in Ponyville. Most of the citizens of Ponyville view Twilight as a friend, and she views them as family. Although she loves her life, her fame and reputation has had its negative impacts. Twilight is swamped with letters from all across Equestria looking or her help or advice. Twilight wants to answer all of these letters and help those to the best of her ability, but simply doesn't have the time or energy to do so, often resulting her in getting extremely stressed and disappointed with herself.

Although not as much of a "girly girl" as some of her friends, Twilight has shown off a more romantic, feminine side from time to time. During "[[My Future Darling]]", Twilight romantically dreamed of marrying her "future darling" and even used a spell to see who she would end up marrying. To her dismay, what she ended up seeing was Spike, though it was later revealed the spell didn't work. Twilight has her limits however, she believed Rarity's romance story during their adventures in the Storybook worlds to be "to much even for me" and proceeded to vomit in her hat as a sign of disgust. Twilight is known among her friends for having a rather peculiar sense of humor. She appears to find humor in the outlandish, laughing at things she deems "not scientifically possible", but doesn't tend to find humor in more practical means. For example, Twilight rarely appears to find Pinkie Pie particularly funny and sometimes sees her pranks as annoying from time to time.

It's been shown that Twilight's love for her friends is deeply rooted. She loves them for who they are, for their best and worst qualities. When they were all arguing among themselves in Nightmare Rarity's castle, Twilight couldn't help but be endeared by their wonderful, terrible selves. Curiously, it's also been shown that her friendship appears to transcend the boundaries of space and time, as previous incarnations of Twilight, such as [[Baast]], were friends with previous incarnations of the Mane Six, such as the [[Rainbow Dash-Look-Alike-Cat]]. Likewise, alternate timelines of Twilight almost always appear to be good friends with other versions of the Mane Six (and Spike!), no matter what.

When she ventured into her own mind, Twilight found that her mind was a massive, regal library. But a library that was incredibly disorganized. Several books - each representing things Twilight knew - were haphazardly placed around without a care, representing Twilight's desire but ultimate lack of order and organization. Deep in the recesses of her mind there contained an ugly force. Black and inky, there was an all-consuming black mass alien to its surroundings that would quickly overwhelm the library, and thus Twilight's mind. This represented her stress, but also her lack of self-control. Twilight wants to help everyone she can, no matter the effect on herself, and this black inky mass was the ugliness caused by her genuine desire to help those around her. This ugliness would eventually manifest in the form of [[Empress Twilight Sparkle]], a form of Twilight's personality that removed her good-natured and caring side and left only her desire to learn, lead and "help" others.

===Interest and hobbies===
Twilight has a wide range of academic, literary and scholarly interest. She is a huge fan of the works of [[Summer Mane|Jade Singer]] and has read a vast amount of books pertaining to countless subjects, such as law<ref name = UGLY>[[The Good, The Bad and The Pony]]</ref>, biology, monsters<ref name = ISSUE40></ref>, astronomy<ref name = TMB></ref>, history<ref name = ISSUE17>[[Friendship is Magic Issue 17|Friendship is Magic #17]]</ref>, etc. Twilight is quite the enthusiast of literature in general, given her deep knowledge of fictional stories and fairy tales. Despite this, she doesn't appear to be very savvy on more contemporary works such as [[Pony Trek]] or [[Power Ponies (fictional franchise)|Power Ponies]].

At times, Twilight is shown to have an obsession with books. During a [[Hearths Warming Eve]] stuck in a train station, Twilight went ballistic when she realized she had no books to read and ended up causing property damage in an attempt to find a book. Twilight loves reading so much that she set up her reading room for maximum reading capabilities. She owns two chairs for reading, a comfortable, velvet chair that she uses to read fiction, and a hardened, stiff chair she uses for non-fiction - She claims the stiff chair allows her to stay awake. Twilight loves to share the joys of reading with her friends, she always got Spike books for his birthday and Hearts Warming Eve and it was Twilight who finally got Rainbow Dash to read a book. Twilight is a huge fan of the ''Daring Do'' franchise, having read every book in the series.<ref name = READ>{{E|Read it and Weep}}</ref> She claimed she knew just as much about Daring Do as Rainbow Dash and the had a trivia contest to prove it.

Twilight is shown to be fairly athletic and competitive in her own right. She enjoys swimming, but isn't very good at it. Nearly drowning in her attempts to swim at the beach, only to be saved by Rarity.<ref>[[I Love Rarity!]]</ref> Twilight seems to have an affiliation with water in general, as she highly enjoyed resting in the [[Dark Water]] near [[Abyssinia]]. Twilight has a healthy appreciation for competition. She enjoys competing, but rarely makes it personal and enjoys whatever she does to compete. She's also been shown to be a fan of iceskating, though isn't very good at it.<ref name = VOL8>[[Friendship is Magic Volume 8 (comics)]]</ref> She participated in the Running of the Leaves event and did petty decent in her own right, though wasn't in the top 5. It seems that the respectable amount of athletic activity has done wonders for Twilight, as she's nearly as lean, powerful and durable as Applejack and Rainbow Dash in he more recent adventures, though still prefers magic.

Twilight has a fascination with science and history, spending a good portion of her free time studying both and has amassed an incredibly respectable pool of knowledge in both. Twilight has shown to have a near encyclopedic knowledge of Equestrian history, knowing a wealth of information on countless aspects of Equestria's well-storied history and has a real love for it.

Twilight is shown to enjoy sandwiches and fries. In general, Twilight has a love for eating that surprises many. She's a huge fan of Applejack and Pinkie Pie's cooking and is almost always seen enjoying their dishes. She also appears to be a fan of Spike's cooking, though never really gushes about it. Since Spike appears to be the cook of the household, it's possible that while she enjoys his cooking, she's just used to it. Like most ponies, Twilight has quite the sweet tooth. She loves pastries such as cakes, cupcakes and muffins and guzzles down Apple Cider. She's also a fan of fruits and vegetables. Really, theirs seldom any food Twilight doesn't seem to enjoy, or at east tolerate.

Twilight enjoys teaching others about history or to improve them as individuals. She also has a love for learning and growing better herself, and trained with Zecora to improve her skills. Twilight appears to be fairly interested in the game [[Niramekko]], or at least knows the inner workings of the game and even made a funny face when discussing it.

===Reputation and fame===
{{Quote|Ponies of all kinds from the far reaches of [[Princess Celestia]]’s kingdom were curious about the new princess who had just been crowned. She wasn’t just anypony. This was a young Unicorn pony with a violet-hued hide, a beautiful purple-and-pink-striped mane, and incredible raw abilities. Her name was Twilight Sparkle, and she was indeed very special. Stories of her amazing magical gifts had even been passed along all the way from [[San Franciscolt]] to [[Manehattan]]. These tales had started to become legendary—especially the one about the time she took on the formidable [[Ursa minor|ursa minor]] on her own, or better yet, the time she defeated the evil [[Queen Chrysalis]] in order to save the royal court of [[Canterlot]]. Everypony was excited to see what wonders would accompany such a unique princess’s reign.|Narration|[[Twilight Sparkle and the Crystal Heart Spell]]}}
Twilight Sparkle was an incredibly gifted Unicorn and has been highly regarded for abilities in the arts of Magic for a very long time. As a filly, Twilight was accepted into [[Princess Celestia's School For Gifted Unicorns]] for her demonstration of magical prowess and though her stay at the academy started off rocky ("[[Friendship is Magic Issue 40|Friendship is Magic #40]]"), she eventually found herself as being Celestia's "dearest student". Twilight's reputation would only grow with time. In her early adventures in [[Ponyville]], Twilight Sparkle was already considered to be by most as the greatest Unicorn in all of Ponyville, if not all of Equestria.<ref name = BOAST>{{CAR|FIM|Boast Busters}}</ref>

Much to her chagrin, Twilight would become a highly merchandised figure within Equestria. Given her status as a Princess, she was deemed quite popular and thus marketable by [[Mighty Minotaur Construction]] who mass-produced several cheaply made dolls and toys based off of her face, infamously creating a "[[Twilight Sporkle]]" doll without her permission, but created other dolls resembling her as well.

A much more positive example, when Twilight was deemed a hero to Ponyville by [[Mayor Mare]], she commissioned a sculptor pony to design a statue for Twilight. Although the intentions were good, the sculptor unfortunately suffered severe eye injuries and poorly designed the statue.

Curiously, despite being an Equestrian hero, Twilight's reputation in other kingdoms tends to range from being a nobody to a criminal. It's implied the Mane Six are greatly disliked in Abysinnia for reasons not explored. Likewise, she is virtually unheard of in [[Klooge Town]] and was nearly sold into slavery for simply being a pony.

{{Main|Twilight Sparkle/Relationships}}
{{Quote|You know something, girls? We are so lucky to live in this town. I love you all!|Twilight Sparkle|"[[Slice of Life]]"}}

Twilight is known for her dependable attitude among her peers and thus has many relationships. In Ponyville, Twilight is seen as a role model by the children, who look up to her and love spending time with her. Twilight has shown genuine care for all the children in Ponyville and enjoys teaching them when she finds the time. By adults, Twilight is seen as a reliable friend who will do anything for them, and in return, they will do anything for her.
Even residents Twilight hardly knows such as [[Matilda]] care for her and will do favors for her on a moments notice, such as when she helped Ms. Cake during the disastrous [[Ponyville Days]] on Twilight's request. However, this reputation has its downsides as well. Twilight often times can't fulfill the promises she makes with her peers, usually leading to some sort of disaster. For the most part however, her friends understand and help out when they can. Twilight has said that Ponyille was like one big family to her, a sediment she often backs up with her deep and genuine love for all of its citizens. Even after becoming royalty, she still respected them for who they were and even sites them for advice and help when she feels they could help. In many ways, Twilight has been a beacon of warmth throughout Ponyille, offering advice and sisterly affection to those who needed it and stands up for them whenever she's given the chance.

Twilight is close to her family, still seeking to have adventures with [[Shining Armor]] and enjoys his company whenever the two can make time for one another. She's also on good terms with her parents and sister-in-law, all of whom she treats with admiration and love. Although not related by blood, Twilight seems to views [[Spike]] as if he were family, though she may tease him for his cuter, more feminine side, she is fiercely protective of him and will risk her life for his.

As revealed in Fluttershy's time-traveling escapades with [[Discord]] and the Cutie Mark Crusaders, Twilight's bond with the Mane Six and Spike time itself, as they have been friends for thousands of years, as far back as [[Anugypt]] at the very least, though possibly as ancient as the dinosaur age. Even in the era of [[King Anubis]], Twilight was going on adventures with her friends in the form of Baast the cat as she freed her people from Nightmare in it's most ancient incarnations.

Although Twilight is close to all of her friends and loves them all, she has a particularly strong bond with Spike, Rarity and Princess Celestia.

Spike is Twilight's very first friend and remained her only real friend for several years. As such, the two are very close and care deeply for one another. The two treat each other in a manner to siblings and happily proclaim the other to be their family. Despite this, the two have drastically different personalities and sometimes bicker. Twilight is generally more chipper, upbeat, rationally minded, though occasionally lacks compassion and empathy while Spike is more cynical, rash-thinking, impish though compassionate and kind.

The two grew up together, Twilight raised him from only months after he was hatched and although their relationship was rocky at first, Twilight eventually grew to love the baby dragon as the baby dragon loved her. As such, the two have a strong, brother-sister type relationship with one another. Twilight has openly said she loves Spike in the past<ref name = "OWLSWQ1">{{E|Owls Well Ends Well}} <br>'''Twilight Sparkle:''' Spike! I don't know what upsets me more. That you deliberately tried to set up Owlowiscious or that you actually thought this pathetic attempt would work! You've let your jealousy get the best of you, Spike. I am truly disappointed. This is not the Spike I know and love</ref>, and her love means the world to Spike.<ref name = "OWLSWQ2">{{E|Owls Well Ends Well}} <br>'''Spike:''' She... She doesn't love me anymore.</ref> The two are almost always by each others side and remain loyal to one another in thick and thin and always have the others back. Twilight is very supportive of Spike, showing pride in his abilities and generosity on multiple times throughout their many adventures, such as hen she hoof-bumped him when she learned of his great exploits in protecting Equestria while she was away.<ref name = "FIM4">[[Friendship is Magic Issue 4|Friendship is Magic #4]]</ref> Twilight's maternal instincts often kick in while dealing with Spike and his occasionally immature personality. She often provides a stern, but caring voice of reason towards Spike in his more childish moments, scolding him for being rude or when he does unhealthy activities, such as eating an entire box of ice cream at once.

The two's bond is practically unbreakable as the two are extremely close to each others hearts. It was revealed that Spike's greatest fear would be to be deemed no longer useful by Twilight and thus sent away. Despite his fears, Twilight would never do anything like that to Spike. Spike almost always has Twilight's best intentions at heart, even if he can be a 'numbskull' about it. Likewise, Twilight is willing to do whatever she can to help Spike. Even though she can be rather annoyed at his occasional neediness or rude behavior, Twilight is always by his side through thick and thin. She accompanied him on both of his treks into [[Dragon Land]], protecting him from [[Garble]] and his gang whenever she could and was devastated when Spike said he wanted to stay with the dragons forever, leaving her behind. Although Spike sometimes acts cowardly and self-absorbed, whenever Twilight (or any of his friends) is involved, he tries to do his best. This could be seen when he and Princess Celestia traveled up [[Crystal Mountain]], just to get the materials needed to create a new telescope for his best friend.

Despite their loving bond, the two weren't always so close. When Twilight first received Spike, she didn't seem to really care for the dragon. She viewed him as nothing more then an assignment that she had to complete - an assignment that she truly thought ruined her life. As she cared for the dragons physical needs, she neglected his emotional needs and showed love and care towards her toys in front of him, causing the dragon to grow sad and possibly develop somewhat of an identity crisis. She complained that the dragon made her look like a bad caretaker, a bad student and a most hurtful of all, a bad daughter as she had an emotional breakdown in front of him. The dragon tried to cheer to her up by pretending to by like Smarty Pants, which won over Twilight's heart and the two couldn't have been closer since.

Rarity and Twilight are very good and close friends, with Twilight sometimes referring to Rarity as her best friend. The two typically get along great with one another and hang out frequently. Although Twilight's slightly more rustic and modest nature sometimes clashes with Rarity's more vain and fashion-driven personality, these clashes often times only result in small quarrels that rarely escalate into anything greater. Although it has caused less arguments, the more drastic difference between the two is Rarity's more passionate personality and Twilight's more rational mindset. This has caused the two friends to split up and deal with issues by their lonesome, crumbling the teams dynamic in the process.<ref name = FIM1>[[Friendship is Magic Issue 1|Friendship is Magic #1]]</ref> Regardless of any fighting or differences the two have, they care deeply for one another and have risked their lives in order to save the other on multiple occasions. The two have only grown closer since their continued adventures together, with the two openly saying how much they love one another on a number of occasions and are very supportive of one another. Rarity often goes out of her way to make dresses or other garments for Twilight and her friends, and although Twilight isn't always a fan of the finished product, she is always very grateful for them and appreciates the effort dearly.

As the only two magic users in the Mane Six, the two often team up to save problems the others cannot with their lack of abilities, such as when they teamed up to collapse a water tower in order to stop a raging fire or when they used their magic to repel an army of Changelings that and invaded Ponyville. The two often team up in non-magically orientated tasks as well, such as when they impersonated lawyers together in order to stop Longhorn's diabolical scheme or when they teamed up in order to make sure Spike was safe in his adventures in the Dragon Kingdoms. Rarity, like most of Twilight's peers, often seeks her when she sees advice or knowledge regarding concepts she doesn't quite understand, such as history or possible diseases.<ref name = GOF>{{E|Gauntlet of Fire}}</ref> Twilight tries to help Rarity whenever she can.

Twilight is also quite close to Rarity's younger sister, Sweetie Belle. Twilight tutors Sweetie Belle and the rest of the Cutie Mark Crusaders for free and helps teach them a variety of skills and lessons. Outside of the more mentor-student aspect of their relationship, Twilight and the Cutie Mark Crusaders are great friends who enjoy the others company. Twilight cares for the three as if they were family and has shown to be protective over them.

Princess Celestia is Twilight's mentor and idol. The two have a loving, almost mother-daughter like relationship and the two rarely fight. Twilight has displayed almost a fearful nature of Celestia in the past however. She fears that any mistake she would make could break their relationship, leading Celestia to banish her or worse. Likewise, she fears the idea of Celestia punishing her friends for any mistake they could make. These fears however, are unfounded as Celestia would do nothing to hurt Twilight or any citizen of Equestria unless severely provoked firsthand. Twilight's fearing of Celestia has melted away as she grew up and especially after she became an alicorn. While she still puts Celestia on a pedestal, she see's more more as a friend rather then someone to be feared.

Celestia greatly admires Twilight for her kindness and intelligence and trust her word on most subjects. That said, there have been instances where Celestia did not believe Twilight's claims, but these are often few and far between. Celestia truly loves Twilight and has gone out of her way in order to make Twilight happy, such as when she aided Spike at [[Crystal Mountain]] in order to get the materials in order to craft a telescope for Twilight.

Twilight's relationship with Princess Luna is similar in many ways, but radically different in others. While she has great respect for the moon princess, Twilight appears to see Luna as more of a close friend rather then her superior. This is likely due to Twilight and Luna bonding as friends rather early in Twilight's stay in Ponyville. Because of this, Twilight is far more casual in Luna's presence but still remains conscious of her royal position.

Twilight is also very close with the Apple Family as a whole, who she views as members of her honorary family. She loves Applejack like a sister and mentors Apple Bloom, who she cares deeply for. Although she rarely interacts with him, Twilight has a great deal of respect for [[Big Mac]] and treats him very well. Much like with Rarity, Twilight tends to get along very well with Applejack, but Applejack's more passionate nature clashes sharply with Twilight's more rational nature.

Twilight and Rainbow Dash are very good friends. Despite their differences, Dash has nothing but respect for Twilight and loves her like a little sister (despite likely being younger than her), always standing up for her and trying her best to protect her against the threats that blight Equestria. She rushed to her aid during [[Tempest Shadow]]'s conquest of Ponyville and did not hesitate one bit to save her from Tempest, despite being furious with Twilight prior. The feelings are mutual as Twilight loves Rainbow Dash dearly and views her as if she was family.

<!-->Insert details about her other friends here</-->
Twilight has remained close to her older brother, Shining Armor, after years of being apart and the two have a loving relationship with one another. Twilight's more adventurous, high-spirited and thrill seeking side comes out in his presence. As foals, the two used to explore the wildness together and play tabletop RPGs with one another. Although Twilight has since grown out of such games, she remains a lover of adventure thanks to him. Twilight loves to playfully tease her brother.

Arguably, Twilight's greatest foe is the dark and evil [[Queen Chrysalis]]. Although far from the most powerful villain has had to defeat (that honor would probably go to [[Bookworm]] or the Pony of Shadows), Chrysalis is among the most irredeemably evil and persistent villains Twilight has yet to encounter. Chrysalis is ruthless and completely devoid of empathy, slaughtering entire villages and slaying animals in front of young ponies for nourishment and amusement. However, what makes Chrysalis special is her personal vendetta against Twilight. Chrysalis hates Twilight with all of her being and often goes out of her way just to spite Twilight. In the "''[[Siege of the Crystal Empire]]''" storyline, Chrysalis is depicted as being Twilight's "archenemy" of sorts and as early as "''[[The Return of Queen Chrysalis]]''", Chrysalis showed great hatred for Twilight in particular. The feelings seem to be mutual as Queen Chrysalis appears to be among the very few villains Twilight shows next to no empathy for. While Twilight's altruistic side shined through and showed care for Discord during "''[[Twilight's Kingdom]]''", Twilight has yet to show any form of compassion for Queen Chrysalis, and for good reason. It's likely Twilight believes that Queen Chrysalis is simply pure evil, unable to be reasoned with. Given the horrible atrocities and personal attacks Chrysalis has performed, it's not hard to see why. Whenever Queen Chrysalis rears her ugly head, Twilight is immediately on the alert, realizing no good can come from the evil queen. The two have repeatedly battled it out, with Chrysalis often coming out on top, though Twilight has won a few fights herself.

Unfortunately, Chrysalis's truly vile personality has tainted Twilight's view of Changelings as a whole, though having to battle changelings constantly probably gave her a negative opinion of them as well.<ref>[[A Canterlot Wedding]]</ref><ref>[[Friendship is Magic Issue 1|Friendship is Magic #1]]</ref><ref>[[Guardians of Harmony]]</ref> Twilight has since grown out of this upon meeting [[Thorax]], a kind-hearted and caring Changeling who became extremely good friends with Spike. Ever since, Twilight has accepted that Changelings, like ponies, can be both good and bad.

Similarly to Changelings, Twilight has a somewhat negative opinion on Dragons, baring Spike and Ember. Unlike Changelings who Twilight simply viewed as inherently bad beings, Twilight doesn't seem to believe the same for Dragons and finds them fascinating, she however also understands that Dragon culture is simply more lose and violent then Pony culture, and that Dragons are unbelievably powerful. Even teenage dragons appeared to be to much trouble for Twilight, Rainbow Dash and Rarity to deal with, and caused them to flee.<ref>{{E|Dragon Quest}}</ref> Twilight typically treats Dragons with respect, understanding that they are intelligent and sophisticated creatures in their own right, but also with nervousness due to their abilities. Twilight will however, stand up to dragons to protect those she cares about, such as Spike or the whole of Ponyville.

Much like with Changelings, Twilight has softened her views on Dragons ever since she met Ember, a diplomatic and compassionate queen.

* [[Twilight Velvet]] (Mother) {{rel|platonic|Twilight Sparkle|Twilight Velvet}}
* [[Night Light]] (Father) {{rel|platonic|Twilight|Night Light}}
* [[Shining Armor]] (Older Brother) {{rel|platonic|Twilight|Shining Armor}}
* [[Spike]] (Surrogate Younger Brother) {{rel|platonic|Twilight|Spike}}
* [[Princess Cadance]] (Sister-in-law) {{rel|platonic|Twilight|Princess Cadance}}
* [[Flutter Heart]] (Niece) {{rel|platonic|Twilight Sparkle|Flutter Heart}}
* [[Sparkle Family]]
* [[Apple Family]] (Honorary Family)
* [[Owlowiscious]] (Pet) {{rel|platonic|Twilight|Owlowiscious}}
* [[Ponyville]] (Honorary Family)

* [[Rarity]] (Close Friend, Honorary Sister)<ref name = SUPERSPEEDY></ref> {{rel|platonic|Twilight|Rarity}}
* [[Rainbow Dash]] (Close Friend, Honorary Sister)<ref name = SUPERSPEEDY></ref> {{rel|platonic|Twilight|Rainbow Dash}}
* [[Fluttershy]] (Close Friend, Honorary Sister)<ref name = SUPERSPEEDY></ref> {{rel|platonic|Twilight|Fluttershy}}
* [[Pinkie Pie]] (Close Friend, Honorary Sister)<ref name = SUPERSPEEDY></ref> {{rel|platonic|Twilight|Pinkie Pie}}
* [[Applejack]] (Close Friend, Honorary Sister)<ref name = SUPERSPEEDY></ref> {{rel|platonic|Twilight|Applejack}}
* [[Big Mac]] (Close Friend, Honorary Brother)<ref name = SUPERSPEEDY></ref> {{rel|platonic|Twilight|Big Mac}}
* [[Apple Bloom]] (Close Friend, Honorary Sister, Student)<ref name = SUPERSPEEDY></ref><ref name = TWILIGHTTIME/>{{rel|platonic|Twilight|Apple Bloom}}
* [[Scootaloo]] (Close Friend, Student)<ref name = TWILIGHTTIME></ref> {{rel|platonic|Twilight|Scootaloo}}
* [[Sweetie Belle]] (Close Friend, Student)<ref name = TWILIGHTTIME></ref> {{rel|platonic|Twilight|Sweetie Belle}}
* [[Miss Cake]] (Close Friend, Motherly Figure)<ref>[[Twilight Sparkle and the Crystal Heart Spell]]<br>{{Q3|Other|“Of course, Princess,” Mrs. Cake said, bowing quickly. She stood up and continued to pipe a tube of icing onto a strawberry layer cake, creating a beautiful border of plump roses in the process. Twilight blushed with embarrassment. “You really don’t have to call me that,” Twilight replied. This princess business was tricky. Maybe she should put up a banner in the town square telling everypony to treat her as they normally would. “I’m just the same old Twilight, really.” She caught sight of her reflection in the shiny cake display case. Other than the new wings, she still looked the same. She wasn’t even wearing her tiara. “In fact, I don’t really know how to be a princess at all. That’s what I’m doing today. I’m trying to ask some older ponies what it means to be a leader, but I don’t want to ask Princess Celestia—that would be embarrassing—and when I tried to go see Mayor Mare, she was busy and…” Everything seemed to spill out at once. Mrs. Cake furrowed her brow in motherly concern. “My goodness, that sounds like quite the sticky situation. Why don’t you visit your big brother and Princess Cadance?” Twilight brightened at the suggestion. What a great idea! Her BBBFF (Big Brother Best Friend Forever) Shining Armor and new Pegasister-in-law had much more royal experience than she did. Older siblings were practically made for giving guidance. “You’re a genius! They are bound to have some royal advice!”}}</ref>
* [[Cuppa Joe]] (Friend)<ref name = HS>[[My Little Pony Holiday Special]]</ref>
* [[Bon Bon]] (Friend, Ally)<ref name = GOH>[[Guardians of Harmony]]</ref>
* [[Lyra Heartstrings]] (Friend, Ally)<ref name = GOH>[[Guardians of Harmony]]</ref>
* [[Tempest Shadow]] (Friend, Ally)<ref name = MOVIE>[[My Little Pony: The Movie Adaptation]]</ref><ref name = MOVIENOVEL>[[My Little Pony: The Movie: The Junior Novelization]]</ref> {{rel|platonic|Twilight Sparkle|Tempest Shadow}}
* [[Queen Chrysalis]] (Archenemy) {{rel|platonic|Twilight|Queen Chrysalis}}

A list of moments where Twilight rose above the call of duty and performed feats of heroism, in any capacity. Preferably in chronological order.
* As a filly, Twilight tried to act brave and protect her older brother during their "Monster Training" adventures.
* Although Twilight could have given up on the baby dragon and continued her academic career, Twilight eventually came around and took care of the dragon.
* Despite her rude behavior, Twilight's actions during "[[The Magic Begins]]" was ultimately well-intentioned as she wanted to save the world from Nightmare Moon. Twilight eventually grew kinder and softer because of the adventure and learned the value of friendship.
* Twilight was immediately willing to fight for Ponyville during "[[The Return of Queen Chrysalis]] and go on a long, vast adventure in order to rescue [[Sweetie Belle]], [[Apple Bloom]] and [[Scootaloo]].

===Villainous moments===
Twilight is usually very kind and caring, but has had her fair share of mean moments where she did not think or care about how her actions would affect others.

* Before Twilight fully embraced Ponyville as her home, she was snide, controlling and downright rude to [[Spike]], not apologizing after causing him to break his gift for Moondancer, nor even having the courtesy to look him while barking orders at him. Twilight would also actively annoy Spike and even cause minor pain, while also humiliating him in public and downplay has intelligence and maturity for her own benefit.

* During the stressful trek in the lands beyond Equestria, Twilight threatened Pinkie Pie with her magic, causing the chipper pony to lurch back in fear as her happy expression morphed into one o fear and sadness. Twilight immediately regretted her actions, but her friends reused to accept her apology, instead they left her to be. All except for Spike, who stood by her side.

* In "[[The Good, The Bad and The Ponies]]", she, along with Fluttershy, kidnapped and bounded up a [[Lawyer]] from [[Canter Creek]] in order to manipulate and trick [[Longhorn]] into signing the documents he wasn't going to otherwise sign, causing him to fail at enacting his grand plan.

===Personas and other lives===
Over her many adventures, Twilight has adorned several personas; masks of her true personality whether by her own admission or some external force. Furthermore, Twilight has had numerous incarnations throughout the long history of Equestria.

====Horsemare of the Apocalypse====
During her time on the Salty Seamare, Twilight took up piracy in order to satisfy her curiosity. She would later join Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie and Rarity in the short-lived group of pirates known as the [[Four Ponies of the Apocalypse]].

{{Quote|And then there was Tweezers, who had her sticky little hooves keeping track of every cherry in every pie from here to [[Horseshoe Bay]]. Tweezers likes details and nothing else.|[[Helga Bugart]]}}

Tweezers was the persona Twilight took up in "[[Dial S For Sassy]]". Tweezers was a prolific criminal notorious for her role in countless criminal organizations, stretching all the way to [[Horseshoe Bay]]. Much like Twilight, Tweezers was known for her intelligence with Pips even calling her "Da Brains" of the group. She was eventually put to justice by [[Helga Bugart]], which was short lived due to [[Bookworm]] devouring their world. Afterwards, Twilight broke character and started acting like her old personality again.

====Twilight Sparkling====
Twilight Sparkling was the vampiric for Twilight had to undergo during the "[[Night of the Living Apples]]" story arc. For the most part, Twilights personality remained the same, but she showed more violent and brutal tendencies, as did the other bat ponies. She displayed a great desire to eat the fully-sentient apples, not displaying her usual all-loving, pure-of-heart personality in the process and spoke in a more macabre fashion. Nonetheless, Twilight remained ultimately heroic and righteous. While in this form, Twilight's fur became ragged, clumped and unclean and she developed razor sharp, vampiric fangs. She also became much more powerful, gaining "vampire strength" in the process. Although more bestial and savage, Twilight retained much of her intelligence and still proved to to have good problem solving skills. Twilight was able to overcome her desire to feed on the Apples in order to see the bigger picture and did good, protecting Good Apple and saving his brothers and sisters from Bad Apple, and even helped them form their own society.

=====Hateful Twilight Sparkling=====
While aiding in the defeat of the living Apples, lead by [[Bad Apple]], Twilight discovered the ancient meteorite causing this madness. Examining the meteor, she realized that the meteor contained the dark energy and hate left by Nightmare Moon all those years ago. With no other solution, Twilight attempted to absorb the power of the asteroid and all of its hate and power. The plan didn't work as planned and though Twilight gained its power briefly, she had to transfer it towards Spike to expel it. While under its influence, Twilight's personality remained largely intact, though she began to glow a dark purple color in the process.

====Empress Twilight====
{{Quote|I, '''Twilight Sparkle''', am appointing myself '''Empress of Ponyville'''. As the most intelligent Pony in this town, or any other, it is the only '''logical''' course of action. More announcements will follow about the new order, but for now, know I promise a harsh but fair rule.|Twilight Sparkle|[[Friendship is Magic Issue 43|Friendship is Magic #43]]}}

After swimming in the pools of Dark Water, Twilight was infected with "[[Ethical Cancer]]", a mysterious, magical disease that emphasizes the good traits of a pony, twisting them into negative traits that completely overshadowed their true selves. Described as having the mental filter removed, the disease brought the worst out of ponies, turning them cruel, uncaring and overwhelmingly narcissistic. Twilight was not spared from such a fate. Although Twilight typically cares deeply for the citizens of Ponyville and respects them as individuals, under the effects of the cancer, Twilight believed them all to be buffoonish, idiotic and simpleminded. Twilight believed herself to be the most intelligent Pony in all of Equestria and din't take kindly to any resistance.

Under the curse Twilight lacked compassion and love. She had no qualms with battling against Rarity over the ruling of Ponyville, nor did she have any qualms with manipulating Rarity and Princess Luna into submission while she went to conquer all of Equestria herself. Believing herself to be the rightful ruler of the entire kingdom, Twilight cast down Luna with a single blast of magic after figuring out she was attempting to trick her into removing her curse. Much of Twilight's personality remained in this form, but was twisted and darkened. Twilight was still clever and organized, but unfathomably more intelligent -- or at least more willing to use her intelligence in self-serving manners. It was said that Twilight foresaw every possible reality and every possible outcome when she planned against her former friends. Regardless of her cruelty, Twilight appeared to have good intentions with her ruling, or at least used her possible good intentions as a front for her great evil. She did seem to truly believe society would benefit under her tyrannical rule and did appear to believe she would be doing good in the world. Nonetheless, Twilight cared not for the happiness of her subjects. Instead, Twilight developed machinery that would literally sap the intelligence from her subjects, turning them into near-mindless buffoons with no sense of danger or self-preservation. It was said by Princess Luna that it was good that Twilight did not retain her friendship with the girls when she took to power, or else they would be completely unstoppable. Twilight was staunchly objectiveness under the curse, having no consideration for individuality, color, or joy. Instead she wanted to rule with harsh fairness and dull colors.

Baast was Twilight in a past life, she was a [[Cat]] who lived in [[Anugypt]]. Despite being within Twilight's reincarnation lineage, the two are almost nothing alike. Baast was a master of chaos and was quick to action, doing what she had to do without the prospect of diplomacy or good-will. Baast was a passionate lover who was very active and aggressive about her feelings towards Discord and her seething hatred for Fluttershy.

Baast wasn't totally opposite from Twilight, however. Like Twilight, Baast set out to stop the forces of Nightmare and was quite wise, giving advice to the Cutie Mark Crusaders. Baast was also good friends, or at least the leader of several other cats who highly resembled the Mane Six.

Like Twilight, Baast represented the [[Element of Magic]], despite not being a Unicorn. It is unknown the full extent of what Baast's magic could've been like, as she never had to unleash it, seemingly preferring physical combat over magic, given her defeating the Jackals with swiftness and force rather than any spells.

====Reflection Twilight====
{{Main|Twilight Sparkle (Reflection Universe)}}
Not much is known about Reflection Twilight or her personality. Like the Reflection Universe of the Mane Six, she appears to be cruel-hearted and villainous. Similarly to the main Twilight, she has a scholarly mind and loves to read, but hates fiction and finds it to be dumb, instead preferring purely factual books. This version of Twilight appeared to have no love or care for Spike, as she wasn't upset at Rarity banishing Spike away for insulting her hair.

====Magic is Science====
Twilight appeared as a rather morose and Eeyore-like Pony in ''[[The Transformers vs G.I. Joe]]''. She was noticeably more plump and round, appearing almost more like a hippo then a pony and her expression was glum and lifeless. Although the narration seems to imply the ponies of her dimension where intelligent and had access to science, albeit magical science, she and her fellow ponies appeared to be rather simple minded and bestial, not the humane, scholarly personality Twilight is known for in her home dimension. This can be seen in the actions of her fellow ponies, a white pony resembling [[Majesty (G1)|Majesty]], going up and licking the charred remains of [[Megatron]], not showing any concern for the metalic being.

===Official descriptions===
''Twilight Sparkle tries to find the answer to every question! Whether studying a book or spending time with Pony friends, she always learn something new!''<ref name = TMB></ref>

==Personal life==
==Personal life==