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Twilight Sparkle is a righteous pony with a strong moral center and good sense of justice and law. She believes herself to be pure of heart, and has proven her good and selfless nature on many occasions. She is willing to risk her life not only for the safety of those she cares about, but also for strangers and even enemies, as she believes it to be the right thing to do. Although her morals can be halted by the prospect of personal gain - especially academic gains - she will always do the right thing in the end, no matter what. Twilight is willing to forgive friends and enemies alike if she believes them to be sincere, such as when she accepted Thorax for who he was or when she forgave and befriended Fizzle Pop Berry Twist. Twilight is always willing to fight for what she thinks is right, such as in her numerous clashes with Queen Chrysalis and other enemies. Although it doesn't become an issue to often, Twilight is lawful to a fault. She utterly refuses to betray Princess Celestia's law and rule, even when it's the right thing to do, and as such, did not once use her magic on Longhorn and his goons until they were blatantly breaking the law. This trait occasionally puts her at odds with her friends, but never for long. She is however, willing to manipulate the law in her favor as long as she doesn't break it. Twilight has proven herself to be brave, selfless and undoubtedly heroic in her many adventures, often making great sacrifices to save her friends and all of Equestria. During "The Return of Queen Chrysalis" story arc, Twilight willingly sacrificed herself so that her friends would not be drained of their love and solemnly mentioned how much she loved them in the process. Unquestionably a hard worker by nature, Twilight managed her library with impressive organization and punctuation, more so, Twilight would often help organize town events, sometimes even as the manager or leader of said events. It can be said that Twilight was essentially always doing something. Whether that be studying, experimenting, work, adventures, socialization or another myriad of errands Twilight has on her nigh-endless to-do list. Despite this, Twilight is usually chipper and sunny, but can have bouts of stress, especially after becoming a princess.
====Interests and hobbies====
[[File:MANGA Realizing Reading can be pretty boring.jpg|thumb|Despite her love for reading, Twilight has found it boring before]]
Twilight has a wide range of academic, literary and scholarly interest. She is a huge fan of the works of [[Summer Mane|Jade Singer]] and has read a vast amount of books pertaining to countless subjects, such as law<ref name = UGLY>[[The Good, The Bad and The Pony]]</ref>, biology, monsters<ref name = FIM40/>, astronomy<ref name = TMB></ref>, history<ref name = FIM17>{{C|FIM|17}}</ref>, etc. Twilight is quite the enthusiast of literature in general, given her deep knowledge of fictional stories and fairy tales. Despite this, she doesn't appear to be very savvy on more contemporary works such as [[Pony Trek]] or [[Power Ponies (fictional franchise)|Power Ponies]].
[[File:HS Twilight Obessed with books.png|200px|left|thumb|Twilight's obsession for books]]
At times, Twilight is shown to have an obsession with books. During a [[Hearths Warming Eve]] stuck in a train station, Twilight went ballistic when she realized she had no books to read and ended up causing property damage in an attempt to find a book. Twilight loves reading so much that she set up her reading room for maximum reading capabilities. She owns two chairs for reading, a comfortable, velvet chair that she uses to read fiction, and a hardened, stiff chair she uses for non-fiction - She claims the stiff chair allows her to stay awake. Twilight loves to share the joys of reading with her friends, she always got Spike books for his birthday and Hearts Warming Eve and it was Twilight who finally got Rainbow Dash to read a book. Twilight is a huge fan of the ''Daring Do'' franchise, having read every book in the series.<ref name = READ>{{E|Read it and Weep}}</ref> She claimed she knew just as much about Daring Do as Rainbow Dash and the had a trivia contest to prove it.
[[File:V8 Twilight Iceskating.png|thumb|200px|Iceskating with the girls]]
Twilight is shown to be fairly athletic and competitive in her own right. She enjoys swimming, but isn't very good at it. Nearly drowning in her attempts to swim at the beach, only to be saved by Rarity.<ref>[[I Love Rarity!]]</ref> Twilight seems to have an affiliation with water in general, as she highly enjoyed resting in the [[Dark Water]] near [[Abyssinia]]. Twilight has a healthy appreciation for competition. She enjoys competing, but rarely makes it personal and enjoys whatever she does to compete. She's also been shown to be a fan of iceskating, though isn't very good at it.<ref name = VOL8>[[Friendship is Magic Volume 8 (comics)]]</ref> She participated in the Running of the Leaves event and did petty decent in her own right, though wasn't in the top 5. It seems that the respectable amount of athletic activity has done wonders for Twilight, as she's nearly as lean, powerful and durable as Applejack and Rainbow Dash in he more recent adventures, though still prefers magic.
Twilight has a fascination with science and history, spending a good portion of her free time studying both and has amassed an incredibly respectable pool of knowledge in both. Twilight has shown to have a near encyclopedic knowledge of Equestrian history, knowing a wealth of information on countless aspects of Equestria's well-storied history and has a real love for it.
[[File:MANGA cupcakes.png|thumb|left|Kawaii desu]]
Twilight is shown to enjoy sandwiches and fries. In general, Twilight has a love for eating that surprises many. She's a huge fan of Applejack and Pinkie Pie's cooking and is almost always seen enjoying their dishes. She also appears to be a fan of Spike's cooking, though never really gushes about it. Since Spike appears to be the cook of the household, it's possible that while she enjoys his cooking, she's just used to it. Like most ponies, Twilight has quite the sweet tooth. She loves pastries such as cakes, cupcakes and muffins and guzzles down Apple Cider. She's also a fan of fruits and vegetables. Really, theirs seldom any food Twilight doesn't seem to enjoy, or at east tolerate.
Twilight enjoys teaching others about history or to improve them as individuals. She also has a love for learning and growing better herself, and trained with Zecora to improve her skills. Twilight appears to be fairly interested in the game [[Niramekko]], or at least knows the inner workings of the game and even made a funny face when discussing it.
====Reputation and fame====