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{{Main|AgeHistory of HeroesEquestria}}
Earliest known aspects of Equestria's history date back millions of years. While [[Zecora]] traversed the [[4th dimension]], she came across a variety of ancient aspects of Equestria's history. The most ancient aspect of history she came across was a forest of dark, sentient trees that tried to attack her. From the forest, she came across a mystic potion or elixir that she used to create a cupcake capable of soothing even [[Angel Bunny]]. While traversing the dimension of time, Zecora came across a sea of [[prehistoric fish]] and [[jellyfish]]. At another point, Zecora also across the ancient days of the [[dinosaur]]s such as [[Brachiosaurus]], [[Spinosaurus]] and similar creatures such as [[Pterosaurs]].<ref name = "To Tame the Beast">{{C|FIM|25}} - "[[To Tame the Beast]]"</ref>
During the days of the dinosaurs, there existed a race of [[Cave pony|Cave ponies]]. Cave ponies were large, burly ponies with oddly shaped heads and thick manes. They spoke a [[Cave pony language|primitive language]] that didn't resemble any form of known [[Common Equestrian]]. Although seemingly simpleminded, they were capable of simple leisure and enjoyed parties. Not much of their culture is known, but they appeared to worship the sun, or at least revere it, as they carved and painted depictions of the sun in their [[Cave ponies cave|caves]].<ref name = "Shadow Lock - Part 2 - Cave">{{C|FIM|52|''Shadow Lock'' - Part II}}</ref>
===Early civilizations===
There were many ancient civilizations located in Equestria, presumably before the era of the [[Three tribes]]. While in the 4th-dimension, Zecora came across a civilization [[pyramid building civilization|building]] [[Pyramid]]s,<ref name = "To Tame the Beast"/> which may be connected to the [[Anugypt]]ian civilization of years later. The civilization was extremely wealthy and plentiful in gold.An ancient ruler o the civilization included the mad [[King]] [[King Anubis|Anubis]] who ruled with an iron fist. Anubis ruled over ponies and [[Jackal]]s alike but more than all, oppressed the [[cat]] population The cats eventually rose up and defeated Anubis, presumably ending his reign.<ref>{{C|FIM|24}}</ref>
Another ancient ruler of Anugypt - assuming the kingdoms are one in the same - was the infamous [[Cleopatrot]]. A vain ruler, Cleopatrot upholded the laws of her land to a T and punished those who dissented. She wasn't shown to be outwardly cruel however, merely traditional and scared of the unknown. According to {{FIM|Rarity}}, she pioneered early beauty keeping techniques and practices, famously using oils to keep her skin soft.<ref name="Shadow Lock - Part 2 - Cave"/>
===Zephyr wars===
{{Main|Zephyr War}}
At some point in hisory, likely before the Three Tribes era, conflicts between the [[Pegasus]] and [[Griffon]] communities rose to a boiling point. A war broke out known only as the [[Zephyr War]] in which the two sides did battle. The war was interrupted by the [[Hippogriff]] civilization, who acted as mediators as diplomats from both sides discussed the tensions. Afterwards, the two sides decided to not only call the war off and co-exist, but also create a new kingdom together in [[Eastern Equestria]]. This kingdom would evidently not last.<ref>''[[Tails of Equestria: The Official Movie Sourcebook]]''</ref>
===Three tribes period===
{{Main|Three tribes period}}
At some point, the whole of Equestria was split into three tribes. The [[Earth Pony tribe]], the [[Pegasus tribe]] and the [[Unicorn tribe]]. These tribes were at odds with one another given the extreme and often time volatile personalities of their rulers, but the tribes eventually worked together and developed a strong bond. This came about as a result of the [[Windigo]]s.
A recipe for magic pudding was invented in this era.<ref>{{CAR|FIM|Best Gift Ever}}</ref>
===Age of Heroes===
{{Main|Age of Heroes}}
Noted for its abundance of heroic ponies, the "Age of Heroes" is a period of history shrouded in legendry and wonder. It was widely believed, even by the Princesses themselves, that many of the tales and legends spoken of during this period where nothing more than filly tales, but one-by-one, many of the most famous legends were chosen to be oh so true. The starting point of the era is vague and not quite well defined but appears to be surrounding [[Rockhoof]]'s famous feat of saving [[Rockhoof's village|his village]] from a volcanic eruption that threatened its existence. As this story spread, several other ponies performed acts of immense selflessness, saving of entire cities or merely guiding other ponies in the process.
A young, meek, but kind and selfless pony named [[Stygian]] accidentally invited the [[Dazzlings]] into his village, turning his beloved people into stones. Stygian embarked on an adventure and gathered the six most well renowned heroes of his time; Rockhoof, [[Mage Meadowbrook]], [[Flash Magnus]], [[Somnambula]], [[Mist Mane]] and [[Starswirl the Bearded]], together, the friends defeated the Dazzlings and saved the village.
The era was filled with high adventure the likes are unknown, with many heralding stories. Perhaps the greatest adventure taken place in this era was the rescue of the Princess from the Pony of Shadows; the corrupter worlds. A quest in which the fate of all other worlds rested on the shoulders of our heroes as they battled with in-fighting, emotional turmoil and great suffering. Eventually, against all odds and due to a dark magic not quite understood by any pony, the heroes managed to save the princesses from the Pony of Shadows and infinite worlds in the process.
Despite the friendship shared by the three tribes, much of Equestria was still split in the three sides, with pony kinds sticking to themselves. Although communication between the kinds was rare, it was usually not looked down upon, but prejudice against kinds were not out of the ordinary either. Books were written about the evil of Pegasus<ref name="TFOSS"/> while unicorns were often considered weaklings.<ref>{{C|LOM|8}}</ref>
===The Adventures of Starswirl===
As fate would have it, arguably Equestria's greatest hero was also one of its greatest blights. Starswirl went on many adventures in his advanced age, one of which lead him to a [[Changeling swamp|dark swamp]] where he unknowingly sewed the seeds of what would later become [[Queen Chrysalis]], who would later create the [[Changeling kingdom]] and enact several [[Changeling wars|wars against Equestira]]. One of Starswirl's greatest adventures in his older age was the exploration of the [[multiverse]]. He and Princess Celestia would reguarly traverse to other worlds to study or goof off within them. While a bonding experience for the two, the trips took a turn for the worse when they discovered a world opposite of their own. In that world, Starswirl and Celestia grew close that worlds leader; [[King Sombra (Mirror universe)|King Sombra]]. However, the visits made the walls betwene the worlds weaker. Starswirl demanded Celestia never to go back, but she refused.
Soon later, Starswirl embarked on an adventure he never returned from.
===King of the monsters===
At some point in the [[Crystal Empire]], a young Umbra named [[Sombra]] conquored the entire kingdom. Princess Celestia and Luna tried to stop the self-proclaimed "King of the monsters", but they failed. Sombra locked away his kingdom into the shadows where it laid dormant for over 1,000 years.
At some point in the [[Leota]] region of Equestria, [[Discord]] conqueroed the land with his chaotic powers, but was eventually stopped by the Elements of Harmony.
At some point in the distant future, [[Alien ponies]] and [[Cyberponies]] will rule Equestria. Whether or not they conquored the country, coexist with normal ponies or are even the evolution of ponies is unknown.<ref>{{C|FIM|25}}</ref>
==Government and organization==


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