Capper: Difference between revisions

2,755 bytes added ,  3 years ago
Hope this isn't too wordy.
(Hope this isn't too wordy.)
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During Princess Luna and {{FIM|Princess Celestia}}'s vacation across Equestria, Capper was apparently among the many creatures they encountered.<ref>{{CAR|FIM|Between Dark and Dawn}}</ref> Later, Capper would attend Twilight's coronation as [[Queen of Equestria]].<ref>{{CAR|FIM|The Last Problem}}</ref> When the [[Council of Friendship]] formed teams to visit various locations beyond Equestria, Capper was chosen to join {{FIM|Discord}}, {{FIM|Fluttershy}}, {{FIM|Pinkie Pie}}, and Trixie in traveling to him homeland of Abyssinia.<ref>{{C|FIM|89|"The Farasian Sores" - Part 1}}</ref> "[[Team Fluttershy]]", as they were dubbed, traveled aboard Captain Celaeno's new airship with [[Team Rainbow Dash]], which was on its way to the [[Parrot Peaks]].
Before and after Capper's group were dropped off at a port on their way to Panthera, Capper was noticeably anxious, and Trixie, recognizing the signs of somecreature uneasy about a destination, inquired about it. At her urging, Capper opened up about his youth, talking about his childhood friends and subsequent rift with Chummer. After he expressed the fear of being rejected by the friends he left behind, Trixie resolved to help him reunite with them. The group were soon distracted when they arrived in Panthera to find it under the tyrannical rule of [[King Meowmeow]], who enacted various unjust laws and developed a strong anti-Magic sentiment as a result of the Storm King's invasion.<ref>{{C|FIM|96}}</ref>
Arrested and brought before the king, Capper spoke against Meowmeow's policies, but the unmoved monarch threw him and his Equestrian friends in a cell, Discord and Trixie having been fitted with [[magic-blocking collars]]. In the midst of the group's brooding over their situation, their cell was broken into by none other than Capper's old friends, who had come to rescue him after learning of his return. With their aid, Team Fluttershy escaped into the sewers, where they found a community of cats in hiding led by Chummer.<ref>{{C|FIM|96}}</ref> The group, known as the [[Abyssinian Underground]], soon brought Capper and the visitors up to speed on their efforts to save cats from Meowmeow's regime. They also enlisted the Equestrians in seeking to access a mysterious chamber they had discovered years ago beneath the city, now under guard by Meowmeow's forces.
While en route to the chamber, Capper and Chummer spoke about their last meeting, and Chummer explained how he had crashed the ''[[S.S. Minnow]]'' after parting ways with Capper, only to be nursed back to health by dogs [[Salty]] and [[Pepper]]. Touched by their actions, despite the historical enmity between canines and felines, Chummer repented of his past selfish attitude and returned home to do what he could for his fellow cats. Capper would soon put his lockpicking skills to work opening the mysterious door, which proved to lead into a temple containing the [[Abyssinian Tree of Harmony]]. King Meowmeow then revealed himself, having failed to get into the temple himself and thus orchestrated a plan to arrange for Capper to do it for him.
Capper and his friends fought back against Meowmeow and his guards, seeking to prevent them from destroying the Tree, and succeeded after Discord's damaged collar was broken off. Capper then reconciled with Chummer over their past rift, and their renewed friendship revealed themselves and their four friends as the wielders of the [[Abyssinian Elements of Harmony]]. Capper was revealed as the embodiment of [[Generosity]], and he and his friends watched as the Tree of Harmony's magic spread over the city. Afterwards, the former street thieves were honored for their contributions to the city.<ref>{{C|FIM|97}}</ref>
Between himself and his friend Chummer, Capper was the more passive and gentle of the two. Though still a proud thief, his illegal acts tended to stop there, while Chummer had a thirst for power and violent nature that eventually drove them apart.
After his brush with the kindness of {{FIM|Rarity}}, Capper began to rethink his life choices and began to act in a more selfless and even heroic manner. This would ultimately culminate in his being revealed as the Abyssinian embodiment of [[Generosity]].
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[[Category:Panthera residents]]
[[Category:Klugetown residents]]
