Dr. Hooves: Difference between revisions

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===Early life===
A stallion of reason and logic in a world of [[Magic]], Dr. Hooves long pursued an interest in the subject of [[time travel]] and other scientific pursuits after a life-changing incident in his foalhood. He scoffed at the notion of traveling ''back'' in time, believing that it would be preferable to make the past travel ''forward'' to him. Efforts to accomplish this feat evidently affected his body, or at least his sanity, as he claims to have spent centuries looking for the means to do so despite retaining the appearance of a youthful {{FIM|Pony}}. Alas, his efforts proved to be fruitless, not least because {{FIM|Starswirl the Bearded}} had already beaten him to the accomplishment through the use of magic.<ref>{{CAR|FIM|Slice of Life}}</ref> Dr. Hooves' later claims to longevity may indeed have been accurate, as a pony exactly matching his appearance was among the denizens of [[Stygian's village]].<ref>{{CAR|FIM|Shadow Play}}</ref>
IfFurther evidence of the doctor's apparent lifespan was evident in the account of [[Snowfall Frost]] as given in ''[[A Hearth's Warming Tail (story)|A Hearth's Warming Tail]]'', if it was indeed historical, and the imagery that appeared when {{FIM|Twilight Sparkle}} read it to [[Starlight Glimmer]] accurately reflectsreflected the appearances of various Ponies involved, Dr. Hooves' claims to longevity may have been accurate. Evidence of this was given by the fact that atAt least one of the ponies of yesteryear whom Snowfall Frost encountered, both in company of the [[Spirit of Hearth's Warming Past]] and the [[Spirit of Hearth's Warming Present]], exactly resembled Dr. Hooves in appearance. Her excursion with the latter spirit even involved an encounter with a past Dr. Hooves lookalike who sported an overly long scarf, identical to-if not the very same-one that the present day Dr. Hooves is known to have in his possession.<ref>{{CAR|FIM|A Hearth's Warming Tail}}</ref> A younger Dr. Hooves or a similar doppelganger was also present at a [[Summer Sun Celebration]] that inspired a young Twilight Sparkle to study magic.<ref>{{CAR|FIM|The Cutie Mark Chronicles}}</ref>
===Ponyville citizen===
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The doctor later took a rather bizarre part in [[The rapp'n Hist'ry of the Wonderbolts|one]] of Pinkie Pie's musical numbers<ref>{{CAR|FIM|Testing Testing, 1, 2, 3}}</ref>, before paying a visit to the [[Rainbow Falls (location)|Rainbow Falls]] [[Rainbow Falls Traders Exchange|Traders Exchange]].<ref>{{CAR|FIM|Trade Ya!}}</ref> In another instance of seeming to appear in multiple places at once, he appeared in the Crystal Empire as both a spectator ''and'' competitor (sporting an altered mane style) during the [[Ice Archery]] event.<ref>{{CAR|FIM|Equestria Games}}</ref> Dr. Hooves was also present in Canterlot when {{FIM|Discord}} and {{FIM|Tirek}} appeared on stage during a magic act to steal the magic of the audience members.<ref>{{CAR|FIM|Twilight's Kingdom}}</ref> Later, Dr. Hooves-or else his Appleloosan doppelganger-joined the audience of the [[Appleloosa Rodeo]].<ref>{{CAR|FIM|Appleloosa's Most Wanted}}</ref>
On the day of the [[Wedding of Cranky Doodle Donkey and Matilda]], Muffins came to Dr. Hooves for help due to being responsible for a misprinted date on all the wedding invitations. Leading her to his lab, the doctor began to ramble about his various scientific pursuits related to time travel, before showing off his [[Flameless Fireworks]] which he had never figured out how to set off. Having gone off on several tangents, he had to be reminded why Muffins had asked for his help to begin with. Unfortunately, realizing that the suit he'd intended to wear to the wedding had yet to be tailored, Dr. Hooves ran off, quite forgetting Muffins' distress. Finding {{FIM|Rarity}} occupied helping the rest of the Mane Six against a [[Bugbear]], the doctor approached Vinyl Scratch for help, and was curiously directed to the [[Ponyville Bowling Alley]].
There he encountered [[Jeff Letrotski]] and his friends, whom he begged for help in fixing his wardrobe. Letrotski agreed, on the condition that Dr. Hooves join his bowling team which was in the midst of a game. The doctor agreed with some reluctance, only to run out yet again when Muffins arrived with news that she had used his fireworks in place of flowers as wedding decorations. With no suit to wear to the wedding, the doctor donned an overly long scarf, but was warmly greeted by Muffins regardless. He sat quietly in the audience during the wedding, and was later thrilled when Cranky and Matilda's love caused the fireworks to go off, grabbing Rose's face in both hooves in his excitement.<ref>{{CAR|FIM|Slice of Life}}</ref>
Dr. Hooves traveled to Canterlot for the [[Equestria Grand Pony Summit]]<ref>{{CAR|FIM|Princess Spike}}</ref>, was in Ponyville when [[Prince Rutherford]] of [[Yakyakistan]] visited for the first time<ref>{{CAR|FIM|Party Pooped}}</ref>, and was among the residents pulled into a massive shared dream by Princess Luna.<ref>{{CAR|FIM|Do Princess Dream of Magic Sheep?}}</ref> Other incidents included him sharing a baffled look with [[Golden Harvest]] after {{FIM|Diamond Tiara}} and the Cutie Mark Crusaders sped between them<ref>{{CAR|FIM|Crusaders of the Lost Mark}}</ref>, and enjoying an apple while a "disguised" Pinkie Pie attempted to avoid her friends.<ref>{{CAR|FIM|The One Where Pinkie Pie Knows}}</ref> He was also in Ponyville for [[Nightmare Night]] festivities<ref>{{CAR|FIM|Scare Master}}</ref>, and attended a concert held by {{FIM|Coloratura}}.<ref>{{CAR|FIM|The Mane Attraction]]</ref> He would also be among the many residents of Ponyville to welcome newcomer [[Starlight Glimmer]], unaware that at least [[Sombraverse Dr. Hooves|two]] [[Changelingverse|alternate]] timeline versions of himself had been created by her attempts to change history.<ref>{{CAR|FIM|The Cutie Re-Mark}}</ref>
===A face both in and out of the crowd===
At some point, Dr. Hooves attended a dance recital at the [[Ponyville Dance Theater]], where he was among those to witness [[Tender Taps]] receiving his cutie mark with some help from the Cutie Mark Crusaders.<ref>{{CAR|FIM|On Your Marks}}</ref> He would later attend a magic show put on by a somewhat humbled Trixie<ref>{{CAR|FIM|No Second Prances}}</ref> and the first airshow in which Rainbow Dash performed as a full member of the [[Wonderbolts]].<ref>{{CAR|FIM|Newbie Dash}}</ref> The doctor was also among the guests at a [[Hearth's Warming]] party held at the [[Castle of Friendship]].<ref>{{CAR|FIM|A Hearth's Warming Tail}}</ref> He was present in Ponyville when the Mane Six were afflicted by [[Ethical Cancer]]<ref>{{C|FIM|44}}</ref>, and was a spectator at one [[Ponyville Derby]].<ref>{{CAR|FIM|The Cart Before the Ponies}}</ref>
He also took part in the [[Zombie]] prank played against Rainbow Dash<ref>{{CAR|FIM|28 Pranks Later}}</ref>, and attended the first [[Buckball]] game between the [[Ponyville buckball team|Ponyville]] and [[Appleloosa buckball team|Appleloosa teams]].<ref>{{CAR|FIM|Buckball Season}}</ref> During one election for Ponyville [[Mayor]], Dr. Hooves ran but was defeated-alongside several other candidates-by {{FIM|Filthy Rich}}.<ref>{{C|FIM|46}}</ref><ref>{{C|FIM|47}}</ref>. <ref>{{C|FIM|50}}</ref>
Dr. Hooves would also umpire a [[Baseball]] game in which [[Gabby]] the [[Griffon]] took part, and was later helped getting his cart out of the mud by the helpful visitor.<ref>{{CAR|FIM|The Fault in Our Cutie Marks}}</ref> <ref>{{C|FF|37}}</ref> The doctor had more passive roles in a party commemorating the new [[Peace between the Changeling Kingdom and Equestria]]<ref>{{CAR|FIM|Celestial Advice}}</ref> and at an art showcase for [[Spearhead]].<ref>{{CAR|FIM|A Flurry of Emotions}}</ref> He would also be in the audience at a [[Wonderbolts Showcase]] disrupted by [[Bow Hothoof]] and [[Windy Whistles]]<ref>{{CAR|FIM|Parental Glideance}}</ref> and at a fashion show at [[Carousel Boutique]].<ref>{{CAR|FIM|Honest Apple}}</ref> While briefly taking over her sister's duties, {{FIM|Princess Celestia}} observed him having a dream about being in a maze<ref>{{CAR|FIM|A Royal Problem}}</ref>, while he or his Appleloosan counterpart would later make himself at home at [[Sweet Apple Acres]].<ref>{{CAR|FIM|Fame and Misfortune}}</ref>
The doctor was later in Ponyville on the occasion it was visited by both Changeling leader [[Thorax]] and [[Dragon Lord]] {{FIM|Ember}} on the same day.<ref>{{CAR|FIM|Triple Threat}}</ref> He also visited Canterlot during the [[Festival of Friendship]], though it is unclear whether he was among those caught up in the ensuing [[Sacking of Canterlot]] as the [[Storm King]]'s forces invaded.<ref>''[[My Little Pony: The Movie (2017 film)|My Little Pony: The Movie]]''</ref> Dr. Hooves also attended the [[Washouts]]' Ponyville shows<ref>{{CAR|FIM|The Washouts}}</ref>, <ref>{{C|PM|4}}</ref>, and a benefit concert by [[Songbird Serenade]].<ref>{{C|PM|5}}</ref> When another Hearth's Warming rolled around, he was recruited by Rose, [[Lily Valley]], and {{FIM|Daisy}} to help wrap presents, but incurred their wrath when he fell asleep during a business rush.<ref>{{CAR|FIM|My Little Pony: Best Gift Ever}}</ref>
Dr. Hooves attended another buckball game in Appleloosa<ref>{{CAR|FIM|Common Ground}}</ref>, before partnering with Applejack for Ponyville's [[Trivia Trot]] night.<ref>{{CAR|FIM|A Trivial Pursuit}}</ref> He would also attend the last Summer Sun Celebration in Canterlot<ref>{{CAR|FIM|The Summer Sun Setback}}</ref>, be seen at the Ponyville market with [[Shoeshine]]<ref>{{CAR|FIM|She Talks to Angel}}</ref>, and at the train station with Rose.<ref>{{CAR|FIM|Dragon Dropped}}</ref> The doctor was also one of the candidates who applied for the job of [[Vice Headmare]] at the [[School of Friendship]]. He made it through the first stage of the interview process, being greatly approved by the students, and also proved a hit with [[Decorated Yak|the]] [[Yona's mom|parents]] of [[Yona]].
Unfortunately, Dr. Hooves' field trip with several students went poorly, as his "[[Temporal Transportation Device]]" didn't actually perform as intended, much to the disappointment of his audience. Eventually he withdrew his application, evidently wanting to remain dedicated to his experiments.<ref>{{CAR|FIM|A Horse Shoe-In}}</ref> The doctor-or another of his unexplained duplicates-later attended the [[Appleloosa County Fair]]<ref>{{CAR|FIM|Growing Up is Hard to Do}}</ref>, before joining various Earth Ponies who took shelter in Ponyville during the [[Apocalypse]].<ref>{{CAR|FIM|The Ending of the End}}</ref> Hoof-in-hoof with Rose, he also looked on during the [[Coronation of Twilight Sparkle as Queen of Equestria]].<ref>{{CAR|FIM|The Last Problem}}</ref>
