A Day in the Life of Equestria volume 1 chapter 3: Difference between revisions

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'''Chapter 3''' is the third chapter of ''[[My Little Pony: The Manga]]'' and of [[A Day in the Life of Equestria volume 1|first volume]]. The chapter stars {{OELFIM|Rarity}} as she attempts to create an outfit for {{OELFIM|the Smooze}}.
{{OELFIM|Spike}} rushes through {{OELFIM|Ponyville}}, brushing past {{OELFIM|Applejack}}, {{OELFIM|Octavia Melody}}, and {{OELFIM|Vinyl Scratch|DJ Pon-3}} with a scroll in hand. He initially passes {{OELFIM|Cup Cake|Mrs. Cake}} as well, but stops to enjoy a few of her cake pops. He then rushes to {{OEL|[[Carousel Boutique}}]], and informs {{OELFIM|Rarity}} that a letter has arrived from {{OELFIM|Princess Celestia}}. Contrary to Rarity's expectations, the letter isn't for {{OELFIM|Twilight Sparkle}}, but for ''her''. After getting {{OELFIM|Sweetie Belle}}'s hope in dressing up in preparation for the reading, Rarity discovers that the letter is asking her to help a visiting dignitary with an outfit. Moreover, the letter hints that Rarity's success could lead to her being able to open another of her boutiques "in a very exclusive location."
Rarity quickly puts Spike and Sweetie Belle to work getting the boutique ready for their guest, who is due to arrive later that day, while she makes herself presentable. Their visitor arrives just as she's finishing up, but to the surprise of all three, it's {{OELFIM|the Smooze}}, whom Rarity remembers from a [[Grand Galloping Gala]] she [[Make New Friends But Keep Discord|attended previously]]. Rarity is appalled by the slimy creature and the mess he makes of her store, but with the encouragement of her sister and friend she decides to give it her best shot. Spike attempts to help her by taking the Smooze's measurements, only for it to start eating Rarity's gems and thus increase in size.
Taking over the measuring herself, Rarity is once again forced to deal with the gelatinous nature of her client, and winds up splattered with goo. Sweetie Belle, attempting to serve snacks, finds herself swallowed by the beast, and joins Rarity in getting cleaned up. Despite Sweetie Belle's disheartening comments about the difficulty of dressing the Smooze, Rarity finally succeeds, creating a one-piece suit capable of contending with all of the Smooze's strange characteristics. Spike and Sweetie Belle are amazed, but all three are surprised when {{OELFIM|Discord}} appears to offer his congratulations.
As it turns out, Discord forged the letter from Celestia, having learned how to send messages through Spike some time previously. Eagerly anticipating going to another Grand Galloping Gala with his friend the Smooze, he wanted to insure that Rarity was at her best. Rarity is initially furious, but Discord assures her that he intends to honor his promise about a new boutique in an exclusive location. He then uses his magic to create said boutique...next to his house in {{OEL|[[Chaosville}}]], where she soon finds herself working with a [[Chaosville creature|client]].
* {{OELFIM|Spike}}
* {{OELFIM|Applejack}}
* {{OELFIM|Vinyl Scratch}}
* {{OELFIM|Octavia Melody}}
* {{OELFIM|Cup cakeCake}}
* {{OELFIM|RarirtyRarity}}
* {{OELFIM|Sweetie Belle}}
* {{OELFIM|The Smooze}}
* {{OELFJM|Discord}}
