A Day in the Life of Equestria volume 1 chapter 2: Difference between revisions

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'''Chapter 2''' is the second chapter of ''[[My Little Pony: The Manga]]'' and of [[A Day in the Life of Equestria volume 1|first volume]]. The chapter stars {{OELFIM|Princess Celestia}} and {{OELFIM|Pinkie Pie}} having a tour across [[Ponyville]], having a girls-night-out.
{{OELFIM|Twilight Sparkle}} casted a spell that backfired, turning her and {{OELFIM|Spike}} into stone. She was able to tell {{OELFIM|Pinkie Pie}} about it, but told her not to worry about her, since she wanted to make {{OELFIM|Princess Celestia}}, who was coming to town, proud of her by solving her own problem. Pinkie Pie told Twilight she was going to take Celestia on a tour around town, though Twilight tried to object. It was to late as Twilight was turned to stone.
At the [[Ponyville train station]], Pinkie Pie bugged a [[Quill (manga pony)|bystander]] about all the things that could go wrong, but her meeting with Celestia went well. Pinkie Pie believed Celestia was being attacked by an invisible [[Banana Wizard]] though she managed to defeat the wizard, causing Celestia to say that [[Equestria]] owes her a great debt for her heroic deeds. Pinkie took Celestia to the stone statues of Twilight and Spike. Celestia offered to fix the two, but Pinkie relayed to them that Twilight didn't want the help. Instead, Pinkie Pie and Celestia decided to put a [[silly hat]] on Twilight. Celestia, getting serious for a moment, told Pinkie Pie that although it was all in the game of good fun that making fun of a pony is never nice and they should both write formal apologies...but not before putting a [[mustache]] on her face.
Afterwards, Pinkie introduced Celestia to her friends around town, such as {{OELFIM|Nurse Redheart}}, {{OELFIM|Davenport}}, {{OELFIM|Lyra Heartstrings}} and finally [[Star Dancer]], the "alien" pony. Star Dancer told Pinkie Pie that she was ''not'' an alien and tried to convince Celestia otherwise. Although Celestia ''acted'' that she believed Star Dancer, Celestia made Star Dancer know very clearly that she ''was'' onto her.
The two started going on a [[girls-night out]] and went to [[Ponyville Theater]] to watch a [[Clown movie|killer clown flick]]. Watching it in [[3D]], Celestia got so scared by the clown that she ended up blowing a hole in the theater, later admitting that she couldn't believe the [[special effects]] were ''that'' good that it looked like a hole was blasted though the theater. Later, the two went to play at a [[Claw Machine (moon)|Claw Machine]] at the [[Ponyvilel arcade (manga)|arcade]] where Celestia tried to get a [[Princess Luna plush toy|Luna plush toy]]. Though Pinkie Pie tried to brush it off, Celestia grew furious and told the machine that it had just made a powerful enemy and banished it to the [[moon]].
After that, they went to the [[Ponyville Day Spa]] where Celestia got a manucure by {{OELFIM|Lotus Blossom}} and Pinkie got a massage by {{OELFIM|Aloe Vera}}. Celestia tried to tell the two that today, she was no longer their princess, but just another one of the girls, but Lotus accidently called her a [[queen]], [[princess]] and a normal pony all at once. Her sister took her out to the other room where Lotus began to freak out that she may be banished to the moon, but her sister assured her that all would be well and that Celestia didn't banish people to the moon anymore.
Finally, the two went to [[Sugercube Corner]] where Celestia and Pinkie ate a ton of sweets, causing Celestia to get sick. They later returned to the train station where Twilight and Spike greeted the two. Spike tried to get Twilight to stop but Twilight refused to listen. At this point, Twilight realized she still had that mustache and everyone began to laugh at her.
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* {{OELFIM|Pinkie Pie}}
* {{OELFIM|Spike}}
* {{OELFIM|Twilight Sparkle}}
* [[Newspaper Reader]]
* {{OELFIM|Princess Celestia}}
* [[Tomcat]] {{CN|debut}}
* {{FIM|Nurse Redheart}}
* [[Tomcat Sparkle]] {{CN|debut}}
* {{OELFIM|Nurse RedheartDavenport}}
* {{OELFIM|DavenportLyra Heartstrings}}
* {{OEL|Lyra Heartstrings}}
* [[Star Dancer]] {{CN|debut}}
* {{OEL|[[Pennywise}} {{CN|debut}}the Clown]]
* {{OELFIM|Aloe Vera}}
* {{OELFIM|Lotus Blossom}}
* {{OEL|[[Equestria}}]]
** {{OEL|[[Ponyville}}]]
*** {{OEL|[[Ponyville Train Station}}]]
*** {{OEL|[[Ponyville Movie Theater}}]]
*** {{OEL|[[Ponyville Arcade}}]]
*** {{OEL|[[Ponyville Day Spa}}]]
*** {{OEL|[[Sugarcube Corner}}]]
* {{OELFIM|Moon}}
* [[M.U.F.F.I.N.]]
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* [[Hats & Wigs]]
* [[Tomcat]]
* {{OEL|[[Twilight Sparkle's scepter}}]]
* [[Mustache]]
