
Joined 2 February 2020
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* ''[[My Little Pony: Friends Forever]]:'' Like Micro-Series, this series is a lot of cute fun! It's a lot more sentimental as it focuses on the dynamics of multiple characters, sometimes duos we've grown to love already, but haven't seen as much, and sometimes characters with no real prior interactions. I wish we got more out of it, however, I feel like a better character study on characters like Snips and Snails would've nice, and a less mean-spirited issue on Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon would've also been cool. I think my favorite issue was Zecora and Spike, since it touched upon Spike's insecurities, while also establishing a new side of Zecora's character that totally works with what we know of her.
* ''[[My Little Pony: FIENDship is Magic]]:'' It's pretty good. That's all I can really say about this series. It has a great starting point with the first issue, focusing on Sombra's past...but other than that? The rest of the series is far from bad or anything, it's generally pretty well written and the art is consistently excellent, but it's not nearly as memorable, with later issues not hitting a high value of fun, sentimentality or cuteness. In fact, some of the stories are kinda miserable feeling, which I guess works for the tone but still.
* ''[[My Little Pony: Legends of Magic]]:'' Probably my favorite of IDW's titles. I feel like really captures the high-fantasy, good-natured feeling of the franchise down to a T. but I feel like the earlier issues are better than the later ones. This is partly because the later ones are drawn by [[Tony Fleecs]], who I'm sure is a wonderfully nice guy in real life and he really has improved as an artist...but his art always feels like a downgrade, especially when it comes after the always-amazing [[Brenda Hickey]]. The other reason why I don't like the second half ''as much'' is some of the whimsical of the stories fades and the "darker" side of MLP comics shows up, it was exciting as a teenager seeing ponies basically openly threaten to murder each other, but now as I get older, I like pony most when it's stories about love in its many forms, as cheesy as that sounds.
* ''[[My Little Pony: Ponyville Mysteries]]:'' Love it! It has the cute and sentimental nature of the show with a great framing device that lets us see underused characters when they're more vulnerable. I wish we got more issues out of it, as I can only imagine they would've told even more fun stories.
* ''[[My Little Pony: Nightmare Knights]]:'' Some people love this series, I just couldn't get into it. There's nothing really bad about it or anything, Stygian is such a good-natured, kind stallion that I love seeing him trying to be ''bad'', but the dark atmosphere and mean-spirited nature of the world just doesn't do it for me.
* ''[[My Little Pony: Spirit of the Forest]]:'' Not bad or anything, but felt like a kind of "nothing" storyline. It didn't really do much for the characters or world, and what it did was already kinda done in other stories. It's got a real good-natured vibe, the color pallet is great and it's nice to see the real villain of the world for a change, capitalism, but other than than that, it doesn't do much for me.
* [[My Little Pony (Pucchigumi manga)|''My Little Pony'' (Pucchigumi manga]]: It's pretty far removed from everything else, but it has a charm of its own. The sheer wackiness and silliness with its manga aesthetics lends itself surprisingly nicely to the tone of FIM and the characters all play off each other wonderfully. It has a nice warmth that's similar to the tone of the first season, but isn't as sentimental.
* ''[[My Little Pony: The Manga]]'': Love it! It has a lot of the same kinda silliness as the other manga but has a lot more cute character interactions. The storyline is freaking ''insane'' in the est possible way, filled with tons of Dr. Who references. It's awesome.