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[[File:Race leaders entering the throne room S8E2.png|thumb|400px|Interior of Cantlerlot Castle, post-[[Sacking of Canterlot]]]]
'''Canterlot Castle''' is a large castle located in [[Canterlot]] on [[Canterlot Mountain]].
The castle was designed by [[{{FIM|Princess Luna]]}} and the [[Canterlot critters]] in the later periods of the [[Age of Heroes]]. Originally, the castle was designed to be a heavily fortified citadel, but it was soon decided that a beacon of hope and light would be a far better alternative. Although [[{{FIM|Princess Celestia]]}} was critical over the redesign at first, she soon (begrudgingly) fell in livelove with the new design. The development of the castle was troubled, with many sabotage attempts by mysterious culpripts, eventually causing Luna to stakeout the castle to catch whoever caused it. When she discovered [[Mistmane]] and the Critters were doing it, she was shocked and angry at first but eventually reasoned with them. Afterwards, the castle's development went far smoother.<ref>{{C|LOM|3}}</ref>
After the castle was built, it remained largely the same for quite some time. Eventually, the city of Canterlot was built around it. Celestia, Luna and [[Starswirl the Bearded]] all lived in the castle as a makeshift family until Starswirl eventually disaspeared.<ref>''[[Reflections]]''</ref>
