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===From Scintilla to Spike===
The nation was founded an in an unknown, but very ancient time period by [[Scintilla]], who would become its first Dragon Lord. The kingdom was founded as a byproduct of the [[First Dragon-Yak War]]. During the last stages of the conflict, Scintilla and [[Prince Ulysses]] struck a truce and became close friends as they wandered the {{FIM|Earth|lands}} in order to discover proper lands for both of their kinds, with Prince Ulysses founding [[Yakyakistan]] and Scintilla founding the Dragon lands. During this period, Scintilla was referred to as an [[Honorary Yak]].
One of the earliest accounts of the Dragon Lands is that of the [[Ancient Dragon Lord]], who [[Reign of the Ancient Dragon Lord|ruled over]] the Dragon Lands long ago. Sadly, after showing kindness to the young Dragon [[Scales]], the Ancient Dragon Lord was betrayed and his [[Bloodstone Scepter]] stolen. This led to the [[Reign of Scales]] over the Dragon Lands, though little is known of this period. Some time prior to the formation of the [[Pillars of Equestria]], future member [[Flash Magnus]] and his [[Royal Legion]] comrades were ambushed by a pair of Dragons while flying over the Dragon Lands. After an intense conflict, they succeeded in luring the Dragons into some storm clouds they had amassed, and were able to make their way home in safety.
One of the Dragons encountered by Magnus was the future [[Dragon Lord Torch]], whose "extraordinary" reign would last for quite some time. Over a thousand years laterafter the encounter between Torch and the legion, {{FIM|Spike}} would visit the Dragon Lands after joining in the [[Great Dragon Migration]], though he and his {{FIM|Pony}} friends would leave shortly thereafter following an altercation with [[Garble]] and several other teenage dragons. Spike would later make a brief return to the Dragon Lands to return [[Peewee]], a young [[Phoenix]] whose egg he rescued from [[Garble's gang]], to his parents. His next visit would not be a voluntary one, as he was summoned to take part in the [[Gauntlet of Fire (event)|Gauntlet of Fire]] that determined the successor of Torch.
Though not wishing to rule over the Dragon Lands, Spike soon determined that he had to participate, feeling that the other young Dragons taking part would pose a threat to his friends and adopted homeland of [[Equestria]]. He formed an unlikely alliance, and later friendship, with Torch's daughter [[Princess Ember]] and succeeded in claiming the [[Bloodstone Scepter]]. As the new Dragon Lord, Spike issued a single order, commanding Garble to hug every dragon he saw as he made his way home without telling them the reason. He then placed the scepter in the hands of Ember, wanting her to take it back to her father and serve as the new Dragon Lord, which she did.
Aafter {{FIM|Pinkie Pie}} became friends with [[Prince Rutherford]], the current Dragon Lord, Ember, grew angry with the Yaks, feeling that they betrayed the friendship between Scintilla and Prince Ulysses. As such, she and her people invaded Yakyakistan, sparking the [[Second Dragon-Yak War]]. However, Spike was soon able to stop the conflict between the two forces and soon, the two nations became allies once again.
===Reign of Ember===
Ember was officially proclaimed Dragon Lord when she brought the Bloodstone Scepter back from the [[Flamecano]] where Torch had placed it as part of the Gauntlet of Fire. Having befriended Spike, {{FIM|Twilight Sparkle}}, and {{FIM|Rarity}}, Ember sought to establish more peaceful relations between Dragons and {{FIM|Ponies}} than had existed previously. However, she struggled with long-standing pony prejudices, and became frustrated with their attitudes towards dragons. When she learned that the [[yak]] [[Prince Rutherford]] had named {{FIM|Pinkie Pie}} an [[honorary yak]] in violation of an ancient bond between Prince Ulysses and Lord Scintilla, she became furious. As a result, she led her dragons to [[Yakyakistan]] and initiated the [[Second Dragon-Yak war]].
As it happened, several ponies-including the [[Wonderbolts]]-were in Yakyakistan at the time, and others-including Twilight Sparkle and her closest friends-soon arrived to help the yaks fend off the dragons. After the initial assault, Ember appeared and informed the yaks of their transgression-without going into specifics-and warned them to prepare for further battle the next day. Fortunately, the conflict was halted by Spike acting as mediator between the two sides, helping them come to an understanding and correct their ill behaviors. The dragons made peace with the yaks, even helping to repair the damage they had caused before returning to the Dragon Lands.
At some point, Ember issued a decree that dragons were to establish peaceful relations with ponies, with a warning against doing any harm to them. After Ember met and befriended [[Thorax]], leader of the [[Changeling Kingdom]], peaceful relations were established between dragons and [[changelings]], despite Spike's fears that the two peoples would go to [[Dragon-Changeling war|war]]. Under Ember's leadership, a delegation of dragons also attended the [[Convocation of the Creatures]], a gathering of various [[:Category:Species|species]] from around the world. Unfortunately, such work of diplomacy was nearly undone after Twilight founded the [[School of Friendship]] only for it to be shut down by the [[EEA]]. When students of various non-pony races went missing, Ember and various other leaders became angry and suspicious of each other.
Fortunately, Twilight and Celestia were able to resolve the issue before war could break out. Later, after overseeing the hatching of a new generation of [[dragon eggs]], which was only enabled by [[Garble]] making the other dragons laugh by reciting beat poetry, Ember declared that dragons would celebrate each other's differences rather than mocking them in the future. Later, Ember would lead her people into battle against the [[Legion of Doom]] after Smolder rallied the dragons with the lessons she had learned about friendship.
===Monarch history===
