Discord (Friendship is Magic): Difference between revisions

Felt some history clarification was in order; also added new information from the issue #102 preview. Discord may have enough backstory to warrant his own history page, but I'm not planning on touching the Cosmos arc.
(→‎Personality: Discord is not omnipotent; his powers have been stolen or disabled by various methods on several occasions.)
(Felt some history clarification was in order; also added new information from the issue #102 preview. Discord may have enough backstory to warrant his own history page, but I'm not planning on touching the Cosmos arc.)
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{{Q|I never wanted to cause '''''harm'''''... Even some villains have their moral standards|Discord|Friendship is Magic issue 76}}
'''Discord''' was a [[lord of chaos]] who is, at least, millions of years old. Asas the possible embodiment of chaos in his dimension, Chaos is an immensely powerful and unpredictable being. While ultimately on the side of good, Discord was once the greatest villain ever faced by the lands of [[Equestria]]. In spite of this, Discord was never truly "evil" per say, he simplylacked compassion for others and did what he desired without comprehending any consequences.
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===Earliest knownEarly history===
The actual "early life" of Discord is unknown and given his nature, was probably abstract and chaotic. According to Accord, beings of his level of existence as the underlining principal of whatever they embody, meaning Discord is likely the very embodiment of chaos, at least in his dimension. It's unknown whether or not Discord created the [[Chaos dimension]], if the Chaos dimension created Discord, if they were created by an even greater being, or if they simply came into being someday, but whatever the case may be, Discord and the dimension are deeply connected.
DiscordsDiscord earliestis known activityto datesbe backincredibly severallong-lived millionsand ofalso yearsknown agoto travel through time and space, notably either being alive during or traveling back to visit the [[Age of Dinosaurs]]. There, he befriended a gentle [[Butterdragon]] named [[Hubert]].<ref name = "FIM24">{{C|FIM|24}}</ref> MuchDiscord later in his life, Discordalso became well known in ancient [[Anugypt]], gaining the hatred of [[King Anubis]] and affection of [[Baast]] in his adventures there, whatever they entailed.<ref name = "FIM24">{{C|FIM|24}}</ref> At oneanother point much later in his life, he appeared at [[Vorak's castle]] in the [[Infernal Lands]] during [[{{FIM|Tirek|Prince Tirek]]}}'s punishment.<ref name = "FIE2">{{C|FIE|2|"Tirek"}}</ref>
At some point, Discord created a magical library that, among other works, contained his magical diary and autobiography [[Dea]] and [[Bea]]. Having become aware of {{FIM|Starswirl the Bearded}}'s insatiable curiosity, he cast a spell on the library so that it would disappear for a hundred years at a time.<ref>''[[Judge Not By the Cover]]''</ref> Discord's villainous career began in earnest when he established himself as a tyrant over the land of [[Equestria]]. This seems to have occurred some time after the [[Pillars of Old Equestria]] trapped themselves and the [[Pony of Shadows]] in [[limbo]] and planted the [[Equestrian Tree of Harmony]].
Discord proved a considerable menace, daunting even the formidable [[Alicorn]] sisters {{FIM|Princess Celestia}} and {{FIM|Princess Luna}}, who had stepped up as defenders of the land. Apparently unable to defeat him even with their considerable magic, the sisters retrieved the [[Elements of Harmony]] from the Tree and went to confront Discord. Utterly unimpressed, Discord simply laughed, even as the sisters used the power of the Elements to cast a [[Stone Sleep]] spell upon him. Unbeknownst to the sisters, Discord had prepared his own contingency plan, scattering [[Plunderseed]]s that were intended to grow and drain the Tree of Harmony and capture the sisters.
However, Discord's plan failed to take into the account the magic that remained within the Tree, even without the elements. This magic successfully kept the Plunderseeds from sprouting their vines for thousands of moons, thus leaving Discord trapped in his petrified state much longer than he had anticipated.<ref>{{CAR|FIM|Princess Twilight Sparkle}}</ref> Unlike most creatures placed under such a spell, Discord remained conscious of what was going on around him.<ref>{{CAR|FIM|Keep Calm and Flutter On}}</ref> Eventually, Discord’s statue was placed in the [[Canterlot Sculpture Garden]].<ref>{{CAR|FIM|The Return of Harmony}}</ref>
===Impersonating an earlier tyrant===
Discord has a cousin named [[Princess Eris|Eris]], the princess of Chaos of her [[Eris' dimension|home dimension]]. It appears that the two never got along, with Discord being more jovial and playful while Eris was more destructive. Eris considered Discord a fool for wasting his powers on having fun, rather than destroying.<ref>{{C|NK|1}}</ref>
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Discord once had a relationship with the entity Cosmos. Cosmos was an abusive lover towards Discord, and a rotten individual in general. While Discord wanted to use his powers for fun at the expense of others, Cosmos wanted to burn things, destroy things, to hurt others. Though proudly considering himself a villain, even Discord was morally against Cosmos's action and attempted to oppose her.
Eventually, Discord’s statue was placed in the [[Canterlot Sculpture Garden]].
As the incarnation of chaos and disharmony, Discord professes great inclination to these two subjects. Every movement that he performs is related someway with this. Discord possesses an outrageous sense of humor, many times grazing the madness, which is strengthened by his powers of reality-bending.
He has a huge sense of showmanship and drama, and specifically enjoys dressing up with different outfits from time to time. He has a fondness of making idioms and expressions literal, such as "my ears were burning" or "when pigs fly", and also has a habit of telling bad or unfunny jokes, often in stand-up comedy, such as in "Make New Friends But Keep Discord", he makes a fool of himself on stage telling jokes that nopony laughs at, and the Season 6 finale, he uses a stand-up comedy act to distract the changeling guards.
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In "The Beginning of the End", Discord showed great interest in ruling Equestria when the Royal Sisters announced their retirement and was disappointed to learn that they planned to put Twilight in charge, though he was willing to accept this. He did, however, show great disappointment that Twilight didn't feel ready to take such a responsibility. So in an effort to push Twilight into accepting her new role, he took extreme measures by disguising himself as the legendary villain, Grogar, and gathered the most dangerous villains in Equestria so he could manipulate them into helping Twilight discover her potential. He also refused to help the Mane Six fight off King Sombra and pretended to be injured when he did help, and then gave an inspiring speech about their friendship to boost their confidence needed to win the day. But then he was angered to learn that the sisters decided to postpone their retirement and Twilight's ascension, considering the whole thing to have been a complete waste of time.
While portrayingposing as Grogar, Discord put on a serious and frightful demeanor that was enough to intimidate the other villains into submission. He claimed to be extremely patient and cunning, having awaited for thousands of years to take his revenge and is willing to work with other villains just for a chance to pull it off. Despite this claim, however, he was unable to tolerate his team bickering with each other, so he sends them on a mission to reclaim the real Grogar's Bewitching Bell in order to teach them to work together. When they claimed to have failed this mission, he only showed anger for a brief moment and then was pleased that they finally got their act together. He also will not tolerate disobedience, as he refused to bring back Sombra after he turned his back on him and used his death as an example to coerce the other villains into compliance. Unlike the majority of villains in the series, Discord (as Grogar) does not underestimate the Mane Six and acknowledges their teamwork as the key to their success. However, despite his seeming distrust of his cohorts, Discord (as Grogar) was gullible enough to believe their story that they failed to retrieve the Bewitching Bell, and was surprised when his cohorts turned on him and revealed that they had the bell all along.
After being betrayed and depowered by the Legion of Doom in "The Ending of the End", Discord was forced to warn the Mane 6 and the Royal Sisters of the incoming threat and admit that he brought them back for his plan to help boost Twilight's confidence. His ego and foolishness was the one that caused their betrayal. Though they are all immensely disappointed with his poor planning and putting everyone in Equestria in mortal peril, he constantly attempts to justify his actions through his good intentions. It wasn't until he was imprisoned with the heroes that he fully realized his mistake and vowed to make up for it, which he ultimately did by risking his life to trick Tirek into releasing the prisoners and staying behind to keep the legion occupied while the Mane 5 and Spike escape. Even after getting his powers back, he showed a new sense of humility as he bowed before Princess Twilight for proving her worth as the new ruler of Equestria. However, he was vengeful towards the legion for betraying him, as he was the one who suggested that turning them all into stone would be the ultimate punishment for them since it meant spending all of eternity together, and helped Celestia and Luna in doing so
