Button Mash: Difference between revisions

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===Personal life===
Button Mash may be in some way related to the [[Apple Family]] as he lives with [[Aunt Applesauce]]. He attends [[Ponyville Schoolhouse]] and seems to be friends with [[Snips]], [[Snails]] and [[Twist]]. Button seems to be a fan of dance, as he cheered on Tender Taps'when he danced in Ponyville theater and also appears to be an avid fan of sports, or at least baseball. Button seems to be a fan of [[{{FIM|Vinyl Scratch]]}} and [[{{FIM|Octavia Melody]]}} as well, given how he attended their concert. [[{{FIM|Sweetie Belle]]}} referred to him as the one who was "too young" when looking for a Very Special Somepony for Cheerilee.
* As mentioned in the opener, much of the established "Button Mash canon" is mostly fanfiction, which means his relationship with [[Sweetie Belle]] doesn't appear to be valid and his infamous mother does not appear to be a canonical character.
* Button is one of the many minor background characters who became popular for one reason or another. Unlike some other noteworthy examples however, Button's popularity isn't necessarily from consistent background roles, but instead of a single small appearance. Unlike other minor characters who became popular, Button Mash has yet to receive any particularly major appearances outside of small scenes or cameos.
* Button is one of the few show characters to never really appear in the comics, or at least has any known appearance. This could be due to several comic writers or artists only focusing on a small amount of background characters in order to make them stand out more.
