Sunset Shimmer: Difference between revisions

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(You are mistnterpreting thing please wbecause K hadely said it is open to interpretation and about scitwi and Sunset she said that this was only for shipping purpose here is the link to the video from 37:00 to 42:00 watch it from 37:00 till 42:00 that SUNSET and SCITWI are just friends the Director says that sexuality thing was just for shipping please watch it you will get it I request please I understand you please you I know you might not understand but please ad)
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Sunset Shimmer was said bisexual by [[Katrina Hadley]], but she left it open to interpretation ".<ref group = "web">{{cite web |url= |title= of course it can I dont get in the way of sailing ships |last=Hadley |first=Katrina |date=9/25/2019 |website=Twitter |publisher= |accessdate=9/25/2019 |quote=}}</ref> This makes her the third ''Equestria Girls'' character to be confirmedthe third Equesria Girls character left up to viewers interpretation to be [[LGBT]] , with the previous two being {{EQG|Applejack}} and {{EQG|Rarity}}, who were revealed to be bisexual in older versions of ''Rollercoaster of Friendship'' and the fifth ''My Little Pony'' character after {{FIM|Aunt Lofty}} and {{FIM|Aunt Holiday}}, seventh if one counts their {{IDW|Aunt Lofty|IDW}} {{IDW|Aunt Holiday|counterparts}} as other characters.
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