User:Amelia/Gameloft places
From Equestripedia, the Archives of Equestria!
Settlements and countries
- Appleloosa (not a playable area)
- Baltimare (not a playable area)
- Canterlot
- Changeling Kingdom (event only)
- Cloudsdale (not a playable area)
- Dodge City (not a playable area)
- Crystal Empire
- Everfree Forest
- Fillydelphia (not a playable area)
- Foal Mountains (not a playable area)
- Klugetown
- Las Pegasus (not a playable area)
- Manehattan (not a playable area)
- Ponyville
- Smokey Mountain (not a playable area)
- Sweet Apple Acres
- White Tail Woods (not a playable area)
- Abyssinian Embassy
- Ancient Ziggurat
- Anti-Sugar League Headquarters
- "Artistes" Abode
- Aunties' Abode
- Autumnal Outpost
- Balkham Asylum
- Bayou Lodge
- Bon Bon's House
- Bowlers' Abode
- Breezy Home
- Caballeron's Camp
- Canterlot Academy
- Canterlot Castle
- Caramel's House
- Caravan of Hope
- Carousel Boutique
- Castle of Legends
- Centaur Castle
- Changeling Guesthouse
- Changelingverse Outpost
- Cider Machine
- Claude's Puppet Show
- Cloudominium
- Clouds Villa
- Cloudsdale Mane-or
- Clover House
- Colonial Whinniesburg
- Comet Tail's House
- Convocation Guesthouse
- Counterpart Castle
- Craft Fair Visitors' Center
- Creepy Abode
- Daily News Building
- Dark Dwelling
- DJ Booth
- Doctor's Quarters
- Draconic Dwelling
- Dragon Lord's Cave
- Dragon's Den
- Earnest Cottage
- Enthusiasts' Home
- Everfree Embassy
- Faculty Housing
- Fancypants' Mansion
- Fashionistas' Tent
- Feather Bangs Fan Club
- Fillies' Playhouse
- Florists' Cottage
- Fluttershy's Cabin
- Friendship Campus Bungalow
- Friendship Campus Cottage
- Friendship Festival Guesthouse
- Future Canterlot Castle
- Future School of Friendship
- Gift Giver's Grove
- Glitter Drops' House
- Green Jewel's Home
- Griffon Roost
- Griffonburg Perch
- Grim Castle
- Grove of Silence
- Gymnasium
- Hayseed Stables
- Hearthbreak Hotel
- Hippogriffian Embassy
- History Museum
- Homey Apartments
- Hoofer Steps' House
- House of Hearts
- Imperial Dwelling
- Imperial Palace
- Jeff Letrotski's House
- Jesus Pezuna's House
- Jocks' Crashpad
- Log Cabin
- Lonely Cabin
- Lunar Guard's Quarters
- Manehattan Guesthouse
- Mare Do Well's Hideout
- Networking Lounge
- New School of Friendship Dorms
- Official Residence
- Old Nags Home
- Paleos' Pad
- Party Pad
- Pegasus Flight Academy
- Pie Parents' Home
- Playful Pad
- Pony Tones' Practice Space
- Ponyville Apartments
- Ponyville Clinic
- Ponyville Guest House
- Ponyville Post Office
- Prince Blueblood's Mansion
- Public Library
- Rara's House
- Rich Family Mansion
- Righteous Pad
- Ritzy Domicile
- Royal Guard's House
- Royal Kitchen
- Royal Legion's Encampment
- Salty Sea Mare
- Sandbar's House
- School of Friendship Annex
- School of Friendship Dorms
- Secluded Cabin
- Servants' Quarters
- Shadowy Cottage
- Shampoo Factory
- Shortcutters' Pad
- Sire's Hollow Guesthouse
- Sludge's Dwelling
- Sombraverse Safehouse
- Somnambulan Outpost
- Somnambul-Inn
- Spirits' House
- Spring Rain's House
- Springtime House
- Sugarcube Corner
- Sweet Acorn Orchards
- The Darkroom
- The Get On Inn
- The Pie Family's Home
- The Ponyville Moustache Club
- The Power Tower
- The Shadowbolts' Hut
- The Shy Family Home
- Thinkers' Quarters
- Throne of Chaos
- Trendsetter's House
- Trixie's Caravan
- Tubular Apartments
- Twilight's Library/Twilight's Castle
- Vampire Ponies' Belfry
- Warm Hearth's Home
- Wonderbolt Lecture Hall
- Wonderbolts Academy
- Zecora's Cottage
- Antique Shop
- Asparagus Stand
- Bag Emporium
- Balloon Shop
- Big Spike's Holiday Barn
- Bookstore
- Bowling Alley
- Brownie Stall
- Caballeron Merch Table
- Café
- Cagesmith
- Carrot Bash Stand
- Cartographer's Studio
- Changeling Arts and Crafts Station
- Changeling Castle
- Changeling Lamp Vendor
- Changeling Punch Pool
- Cherry Stand
- Chocolate Stall
- Cider Machine
- Confetti Shop
- Corn Stand
- Crudité Counter
- Cruise Zeppelin
- Crystal Cave
- Dancing School
- Day Spa
- Decorated Pie Family Farm
- Discord's Pumpkin
- Doctor Hooves' Lab
- Fan Shop
- Festival Stage
- Festival Tents
- Flim and Flam's Holiday Stall
- Flower Shop
- Fortuneteller's Tent
- Friendship Campsite
- Hall of Unity
- Hearts and Hooves Bistro
- Hearts and Hooves Treat Store
- Hisan's Palace
- Home Goods Shop
- Hors d'Oeuvres Stall
- Hospital
- House of Hats
- Houseplant Shop
- Ice Cream Shop
- Imperial Bazaar
- Joke Shop
- Kirin Marketplace
- Kirin Runesmith
- Lamp Stall
- Lemon Stand
- Macaron Stall
- Magic Shop
- Mane Salon
- Maretropolis Museum
- Mistmane's Greenhouse
- Mystic Grove
- Orange Stand
- Party Barn
- Pegasus Flight Academy
- Perfume Shop
- Pharaoh's Palace
- Ponhenge
- Pony Pavillion
- Ponyville Theater
- Potions Workshop
- Print Shop
- Punch Stand
- Pyramid of the Sphinx
- Quills and Sofas
- Renovated Changeling Hive
- Resistance HQ
- Restaurant
- Rock Farm
- Royal Legion's Barracks
- Sable Spirit's Throne Room
- School of Friendship
- Schoolhouse
- Shop of Thankfulness
- Smoothie Store
- Snowplow Garage
- Souvenir Shop
- Spooky Cave
- Steven Magnet's Hair Salon
- Strawberry Shop
- Symphony Hall
- Teahouse
- Tempest's Skiff
- Temple of Chicomoztoc
- Terrarium
- The Feelings Forum
- The Hearthbreak Hotel
- Thicket Marketplace
- Ponyville Town Hall
- Toy Shop
- Trixie's Stage
- Weather Factory
- Windmill
- Wintry Lab
- A.K. Yearling's Cottage
- Astro Pony's House
- Blue Moon's Home
- Canterlot Castle
- Canterlot Hotel
- Canterlot Manor
- Canterlot School for Gifted Unicorns
- Canterlot Tower
- Changeling Castle
- Changeling Hive
- Cherry Fizzy's Pad
- Coco Pommel's Boutique
- Compass Star's Observatory
- Conductor's House
- Crystal Manor
- Curio Shop
- Cutie Castle
- Designers' Atelier
- DJ Booth
- Day Spa
- Drifting Homestead
- Eclair Crème's Loft
- Elite Pony's Mansion
- Enthusiatasts' House
- Fairweather Home
- Fashion Plate's Home
- Fashionable Unicorn's Home
- Fine Line's Mansion
- Fleur Dis Lee Villa
- Four Step's Parlor
- Fruit Friend's Cabana
- Goth Unicorn's Home
- Joe's House
- Lemon Hearts' Home
- Lightning Dust's House
- Lyrica's House
- Mane Manor
- Minuette's House
- Model Home
- Moondancer's Home
- Ms. Harshwhinny's Home
- Neon Lights' Party Pad
- Perfect Pace's Perfect Place
- Performers' Residence
- Pizzeria
- Posh Unicorn's Home
- Prim Domicile
- Professor's House
- Purple Wave's Palace
- Retromobile
- Richard (the) Hoovenheart's House
- Royal Guardhouse
- Royal Pin's House
- S.M.I.L.E. HQ
- Sassy Saddles's Home
- Savoir Fare's Condominium
- Shooting Star's House
- Sinister Castle
- Snowfall's House
- Sparkle Family Home
- Starlit Apartments
- Swan Song's Retreat
- The Tasty Treat
- Trenderhoof's House
- Trixie's Wagon
- Twinkleshine's House
- Upper Crust's Mansion
- Wintry House
- Candle Shop
- Canterlot Cafe
- Canterlot Decoration Store
- Canterlot Gift Shop
- Canterlot Library
- Canterlot Theater
- Carriage Shop
- Chaos Roadhouse
- Cloud Storage
- Comic Book Shop
- Cotton Candy Stand
- Disco Dance Shop
- Discord's Pumpkin
- Donut Shop
- Escape Room
- Fabric Shop
- Fall Formal Parade Float
- Fantastique Theatre
- Fedora Felt's Boutique
- Furniture Shop
- Glasses Shop
- Happy Horseshoe Shop
- Hearth's Warming Tavern
- Hearth's Warming Theater
- Home Decor Shop
- Jewelry Shop
- Magic Scroll Shop
- Music Shop
- News Stand
- Observatory
- Patter-Boat Race Course
- Ritzy Boutique
- Royal Conservatory
- Sports Shop
- Sugar Belle's Cupcakes
- Swanky Mansion
- Tableware Pavilion
- Watch Shop
- Wishing Garland
Sweet Apple Acres
- Ancient Longhouse
- Apple Cider's Shanty
- Apple Encampment
- Apple Family Bakehouse
- Apple Family Barn
- Apple Honey's Home
- Apple Leaves' Cabin
- Apple Rose's Home
- Appleoosa Rodeo
- Appleoosa Shack
- Apples' Guesthouse
- Aunt Applesauce's Cottage
- Berry Punch's House
- Breakers' Trailer
- Buffalo Village
- Camp Friendship Playhouse
- Candy Apples' Place
- Cheerilee's Barn
- Countess's Chariot
- Countrified Cottage
- Crimson Gala's Lodge
- Cutie Mark Crusaders' Clubhouse
- Daisy's House
- Emerald Green's Hut
- Farmhands' Cottage
- Fort Smokey
- Gala Appleby's Retreat
- Golden Harvest's Home
- Hope Hollow City Hall
- Hotel Hope
- Pastoral Home
- Pest Control Pony's Wagon
- Ramshackle Cabin
- Red Delicious' Barn
- Sheriff Silverstar's Jailhouse
- Sprinkle Stripes' House
- Sunny House
- Sweet Apple Barn
- Sweet Apple Cottage
- Sweet Apple Homestead
- Sweeties' Place
- The Delicious Homestead
- The Oranges' House
- Wensley's Shack
- Appleloosa Station
- Apple Market Cart
- Apple Stand
- Apple-Proof Hideout
- Art Supply Shop
- Big-Apple Stage
- Buckball Field
- Candy Machine
- Carnival Game
- Carrot Farm
- Cherry Farm
- Cider Mill
- Cupcake Shop
- Cutie Mark Day Camp
- Fast Food Wagon
- Ferris Wheel
- Fireworks Shop
- Grape Stand
- Grocery
- Honey Stand
- Kerfuffle's Boutique
- Mighty Helm's Training Yard
- Mushroom Shop
- Nightmare Night Corn Maze
- Orange Stand
- Pear Shop
- Pet Shop
- Pumpkin Patch
- Rodeo Outfitters
- Rodeo Ranch
- Teeth Shop
- Toy Box Shop
- Zap Apple Stand
Crystal Empire
- Academy Apartment
- Agate House
- Blossoming House
- Coliseum
- Crystal Castle
- Crystal Studio
- Glamour Gleam's Home
- King Sombra's Castle
- Little Yakyakistan
- Messenger's Home
- Mustache's House
- Personal Librarium
- Quartz House
- Sapphire Abode
- Shadow Prison
- Spike Fan Club
- Sunburst's House
- Tourmaline House
- Twin Crystal Home
- Violet's House
- Clean and Go
- Corn on the Cob Stand
- Crystal Armory
- Crystal Library
- Crystal Salon
- Crystal Sculptor's Workshop
- Crystal Spa
- Flags and Banners
- Flugelhorn Stand
- Glowpaz Dealer
- Hooficrafts Stand
- Horseshoe Shop
- Jewelers' Shop
- Mirror-Sombra's Castle
- Pie Cart
- Potion Shop
- Shop of Crooked Mirrors
- Umbrum Crystal
- Windigo Trap
- Businesslike Bunkhouse
- Cannoneer's Cottage
- Capper's Safehouse
- Dusty Mill
- Hippogriff Barracks
- Hippogriff Castle
- Hippogriffs' Cabin
- Hippogriffs' Home
- Home Studio
- Patchwork Tavern
- Pirates' Airship
- Pirates' Hideout
- Prickly Domicile
- Roomy Residence
- Salesy Shack
- Scalawag's Galley
- Shady Abode
- Slapdash Cottage
- Spinner's Shack
- Steamy Shanty
- Storm Creatures' Barracks
- Storm Creatures' Bunkhouse
- Storm King's Residence
- Straw-Strewn Shack
- Underlings' Shack
- Verko's Mansion
- Worker's Quarters