Category:Alternate forms of characters
From Equestripedia, the Archives of Equestria!
Articles dedicated to alternate forms, fictional depictions, and minor incarnations of characters.
Pages in category "Alternate forms of characters"
The following 17 pages are in this category, out of 17 total.
- Forms of Apple Bloom
- Forms of Applejack
- Forms of Discord
- Forms of Fluttershy
- Forms of Ocellus
- Forms of Pinkie Pie
- Forms of Princess Cadance
- Forms of Princess Celestia
- Forms of Princess Luna
- Forms of Queen Chrysalis
- Forms of Rainbow Dash
- Forms of Rarity
- Forms of Scootaloo
- Forms of Spike
- Forms of Sweetie Belle
- Forms of Thorax
- Forms of Twilight Sparkle